The use of sophisticated language, without slang or colloquialisms.
What is Formal Diction?
Used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.
What is Colloquial Diction?
This slang term means “cool” or “awesome.” It starts with “L.”
This colloquial term means “very tired.” It starts with “B.”
It is the language of everyday speech.
What is informal Diction
Contains words that are very specific to a region and time
What is Slang Diction?
A slang phrase to express disappointment sarcastically often used by teens.
womp womp
A Singaporean colloquial way of saying" afraid to lose".
"I will address that issue right away.”
What is an example of Formal diction?
the term used to refer to the linguistic style, the vocabulary, and the metaphors used in the writing of poetry.
What is Poetic Diction?
Slang for a man whose self-assured, dogged individualism is considered a model of status, success, and attractiveness
A colloquial phrase for "difficult to believe"
hard to swallow