Manage without something that you usually have
go without
to manage with what you have got when you are missing something
make do with
to overcharge someone for goods or services
to rip someone off
to be like another family member
to take after
to fall in love or become charmed by someone
fall for someone
To let someone else decide what you are going to do without you deciding anything
Go along with
to form an opinion of someone
to make of someone
To donate, give away, throw away, or put in the bin something you don't want
When a company buys another company
to take over
fall through
go back on (your promise)
to steal something and run away with it (literally or figuratively)
Make off with
to try to really annoy someone by teasing them
to wind them up
to imitate someone so people laugh
to take off
Fall out with
to do something after completing something else (often related to jobs or professional activities)
Go on to do something
to become friends with someone again after an argument
to make up with
to clarify something
to clear up
to begin liking someone or someone on meeting them or trying it for the first time
to be deceived by something such as a scam or a trick
to fall for
to approach something or someone
to go up to
to be able to see something which is often far away
to make out something
to use something so much that you have to replace it
to wear out
to understand something, especially bad news
to take in
when something disintegrates or gets broken and all the bits become separated
fall apart