Free Fall
Projectile Motion
Work, Power, and Energy
The rate at which velocity changes.
What is acceleration?
The type of equation used to determine free fall.
What are kinematics?
The curved path an object takes when thrown or projected.
What is Projectile Motion?
An object in motion remains in motion.
What is the Law of Inertia?
A 10 kg weight is suspended 5 meters in the air what is the potential energy of the weight?
What is 500 Joules?
What is the acceleration of the bullet if the muzzle velocity is 521m/s and the barrel of the riffle is 0.84meters?
What is an acceleration of 1.62*10^5m/s^2?
A coin is dropped onto a well and is heard hitting the water after 1.12 seconds. How deep is the well? (round to two decimal places)
What is 6.15 meters
When an instant when an objects velocity is always zero.
What is the top of the arch of a projectile?
The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass.
What is the Law of Force and Acceleration?
A fisherman reels in a fish to a height of 1 meter with a force of 10 Newtons. What is the potential energy now present in the fish?
What is 10 Joules?
A kid is riding his bike at 12 m/s and skids to a stop after 10 seconds. What was his skidding distance?
What is 60 meters?
A cloud is 1000 meters above the ground. How much time would it take for a raindrop to hit the ground? (Round to two decimal places)
What is 14.29 seconds.
A ball is thrown in the air with an acceleration of 2m/s starting from 2 meters up. What is the maximum altitude?
What is 6 meters?
A car is driving along and suddenly slam on their breaks, everything in the car goes flying forward.
What is an example of the Law of Action and Reaction?
A roller skater with a mass of 100 kg moves at a constant speed of 5m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the skater?
What is 1250 Joules?
A car goes from a stop sign with a steady acceleration to a speed of 20m/s after traveling 35 meters. What is the acceleration of the car?
What is 5.71m/s^2?
The principle that states why objects free fall at the same rate of acceleration.
What is Newton's second law (Law of Force and Acceleration)?
A ball is launched horizontally from a 24 meter cliff and hit the ground 3 seconds later. What is the velocity of the ball?
What is 8 m/s?
A 3 kg object is on one side of a pulley and a 5 kg object is on the other end. What is the total y force?
What is 20 Newtons?
If Michael Jordan has a mass of 100 kg and jumps 1.5 meters in the air, what is his potential energy at the top of his jump?
What is 1500 Joules?
A rock is dropped on the moon from a distance of 3 meters. How long till it lands on the moon? (Moon's Gravitational pull is 1.67m/s^2)
What is 1.895 seconds?
Free falling objects do not encounter this.
What is air resistance?
When finding the distance covered horizontally on a motion projectile, _______ is used as the acceleration.
What is zero?
A 5 kg object is placed on a ramp with a 30 degree angle. What is the object normal force?
What is 7.71 Newtons?
What is the velocity of a 0.5 kg object if its kinetic energy is 1000 Joules?
What is 63.2 m/s?