Safety (TW)
Student Life/Personal

What is your least favorite part of UNC Charlotte and why?

I wish there wasn’t as many hills on campus but, by the end of the semester my calves are definitely looking good. Any more questions?

This is an opportunity for you to use your creative tour guide skills to turn a negative into a positive. Don’t overthink it. 

Do you feel safe on campus?

Yes because… insert your own personal reasons.  Here are a few examples: 

  • The pathways that I walk are well lit and travelled by many students.

  • I like having the ability to communicate directly with the police department via the LiveSafe app. 

  • Niner Alerts has kept me and my family aware of any threats to campus. 

  • I see a police presence on campus and know that we have a team of 50+ sworn in police officers. 

  • The only people that have access to my residence hall are the people that live there. 


What’s it like being in a large lecture style class?
Does the teacher even know you?

Talk about how professors have office hours that students use for to ask questions or just get to know what their expectations are for the semester. 

Sitting in the front of the class and asking questions is also another way for professors to get to know you.

Teacher assistance/learning communities provide 1:1 support and make a large class seem smaller


Why is campus so dead?

There are a couple factors that determine how you answer this question. Most likely a lot of students are either in class during tour, there is bad weather, or it is just a Friday at 2 pm and they have plans for the weekend. Use deductive reasoning and form your answer to address the current situation.  

Example: Friday afternoons are not a prime time for class or hanging out in the quad. Even though students have started their weekends early, we provide tours since we know this is a good time for you all to visit. I promise these areas are a lot more active throughout the week. 

*If you consistently get this question during your tour, think of proactively addressing it before the question is asked. 


How many bricks are on campus?

This is an example of a typical “dad” question. 

UNC Charlotte is always building new spaces for student use. While we do not have a count of bricks, we do have over 100 buildings on over 1,000 acres and we are still growing. 


What was the hardest part about adjusting to college?

Provide 1-2 sentence(s) summary of experience .

Talk about how campus life helped you adjust (organizations, roommates, etc.)


What is the building in front of the Kennedy Building?

The  Remembrance Memorial is to honor the tragic shooting here on campus  April 30, 2019 when 2 students lost their lives and 4 were injured. For additional information, the Niner Nation Remembers website shares messages, photos and videos.


Do I need to take a foreign language test for placement?

Defer to Admissions Counselors for advice on testing requirements, academic performance and other academic related questions. 


What is the party scene like here?

Although nightlife and partying may contribute to a college’s overall culture, it’s not the defining quality. Academic programs, extracurricular activities, campus atmosphere and the student body proceed our university’s party reputation.

 UNC Charlotte is a public university, so yes parties do occur. I would like to tell you about… talk about athletic events, CAB events, etc. 

If the guest persists, encourage them to speak with current students as you will not comment on this topic. 


A guest begins to record your tour with a phone.  What is your reaction?

1.) If you are uncomfortable, refer guest to pre-recorded tour videos on our website. 

2.) If guest persists, let them know that videography of tours should be pre-approved by Admissions staff. 

3.) Radio 10-49 for assistance if behavior persists. 


How is the food in the dining hall? Is it good?

Our two dining halls provide an all-you-can-eat dining option, with a variety of food choices that change daily. 

Talk about personal experiences that you enjoyed at campus dining halls.


Where do I find statistics about the number of rapes and assaults on campus? 

Specific statistics can be found in the Clery report.  Universities publish these  statistics in this public document. In regards to our culture, we encourage students to report any incident that occurs. Many departments on campus are committed to educating and empowering our students to feel safe. 

A few examples are listed below. 

  • On-Campus police dedicated to our community 

  • LiveSafe app 

  • Programs sponsored by the Title IX Office


I am interested in majoring in Nursing, is it a relatively easy program to get into? How many people are accepted each year?

Do not talk about how easy or hard a major is, that is subjective. While some majors are more competitive than others, an Admissions Counselor can speak more directly about program prerequisites. If you are in the major, you can speak about the specific opportunities it provides and experiences you have enjoyed. Refer the guest to an Admission Counselor. 


Do you receive financial aid? If so, how much?

DO NOT share exact numbers as this is personal information. Everyone’s financial aid package will be different based on their situation. 

 Do speak about your general experience with the system and/or types of financial aid if you are knowledgeable. Encourage students to complete the FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, search the NinerScholars Portal for university scholarships and to speak with their High School Counselor to learn about local scholarships. 


Why were students put in hotels when they were promised housing this Fall?

I don’t have specific information about this situation but I encourage you to speak with Housing and Residence Life after tour. Their building is in South Village directly across the street from the Gage Undergraduate Admissions Center and I can provide directions. 

We don’t want to speak for another department so try your best to refer the guest back to them or to an Admissions Counselor.


Is the parking situation bad?

We have parking spots available for everyone on campus. With 30,000 students and 5,000 staff, parking is not going to be in front of academic buildings or in the pedestrian friendly academic core of campus. However, we have plenty of spots in decks around the perimeter of campus with easy access to free buses and bikes.

Also keep in mind the prime times for classes that impact the flow of traffic on campus. Most classes are scheduled from about 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday – Friday. Peak parking demand occurs during that time. Everyone wants to park as close as they can to main classroom buildings so competition for close-in parking is stiff. 


Why are there graphic images depicting abortion on UNC Charlotte’s campus?

UNC Charlotte is a public university and free speech is allowed. Police and Public Safety in addition to staff ensure a safe environment is maintained. We provide disclaimers about these graphic images so you can divert your attention during tour. 

Address the question and then move on, redirecting the conversation. No need to provide an over explanation. 


You have talked alot about resources to help students on campus, if you have all these resources then why is UNC Charlotte’s retention rate 58%

Everyone has a different college experience and I firmly believe that the energy you put into your collegiate life is what you will walk away with at the end of the 4 years. We have these resources, traditions, and sporting events for students to attend if they choose to, and we do our best to make sure they know just how much they truly have access to. But ultimately it is up to them to take advantage of the community around them. Additionally, part of Charlotte's mission is to serve everyone so we also have a lot of non-traditional students and paths we offer, that also effects that rate.


What other schools did you consider attending and why?

Do not name other universities or disparage them in any way

Name the number of other institutions and describe a general area or characteristic (i.e. public schools on the east coast)

Describe the positive attributes that attracted you to UNC Charlotte

i.e. affordability, accessibility, etc. 


What is UNC Charlotte doing to support black students?

The black student population of the university is 16% and they are supported through student orgs, university departments and initiatives to build community. While these programs were intentionally created with the minority student experience in mind, and for that reason, they especially benefit our black student population. Student organizations include but are not limited to: Black Student Union, NAACP, Collegiate 100, NPHC sororities and fraternities. 

The following professional departments also focus on programs and training to support our student body: UTOP, a summer bridge program, S.A.F.E., a peer mentoring program, the Office of Identify Equity and Engagement, the Office of Academic Diversity and Inclusion. Our Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Dr. Brandon Wolfe has a seat on the senior leadership team, ensuring a diverse and inclusive perspective is represented and has an impact here at UNC Charlotte.  

Talk about any programs or activities you have personally been a part of. 


A student walks by and yells, “Charlotte sucks, don’t come here!”

People have different experiences at any University. Personally I came to Charlotte because of the (insert Why I chose Charlotte here)...


What has the campus done to improve campus security, especially campus shootings?

The University has implemented safety measures including:

  • metal detectors at large scale events

  • free advanced self defense training for staff and faculty (ALICE training)

  • wide distribution of lock down kits to secure classrooms and work spaces.

  • Campus police department can lock the doors of any building with the push of a button to secure people inside. 


Is UNC Charlotte a commuter school?

No. While our school may have been known as  a commuter school 15-20 years ago, we definitely would not identify that way now. 

80% of freshmen choose to live on campus or within a 1 mile radius, and there are many great opportunities to get involved on campus during the weekends that keep students on campus and engaged. 

(Include personal stories here)


Have you ever had roommate problems?

1.) If there was a challenge, briefly describe it (no specific details). Spend time talking about the resolution and how you overcame the situation (with the help of a friend, RA, or other).

2.) If you did not have this situation, talk about how RA’s in residence halls are trained to deal with any and every roommate problem. Room switches may be available. 

3.) Provide tips on how to select a roommate- social media, learning communities etc. 


What does Charlotte provide to support Teen Moms/parents on campus?

We provide a variety of resources for our students and their kids like family family friendly spaces in the library which features an early literacy learning station, computers, printer, DVD player, and an assortment of children's toys. We also have lactation support, scholarships for teen parents, summer camps on campus, and more which you can explore at our Office of Adult Students and Extended Services website: OASES.Charlotte.edu.
