this fruit is yellow and mushy.
what is a banana?
this is cold and creamy
what is ice cream
This is fluffy.
what is marshmallows/candyfloss/ cotton candy?
the green thing in salad that is crunchy
what is lettuce?
this fruit is red and crunchy.
what is an apple?
this is creamy
what is yogurt?
this is crunchy and choclaty chips
what is a chocolate chip cookie?
this is a crunchy long green veggie
what is a cucumber
this fruit is red or green and can be sour.
what are grapes?
this is made from milk. You can put it on a burger and it can sometimes look like a stick.
this is something sweet that you lick and it's a hard candy on a stick.
what is lollypop?
this vecgetable looks like a small tree, and crunchy
what is brocolli?
this fruit is blue
what are blueberies?
this is somtimes runny when cooked sunny side up.
what is an egg?
You eat this juicy meat with a long bun and ketchup
what is a hot dog?
this red vegetable or berry has seeds and it is goey or mushy inside
A tomato
this fruit is small and also red, sweet or sour
what is cherry?
this has cheese and tomato sauce and is on a flat bread.
what is pizza?
this is crunchy and salty and made from potatoes
what are chips/crisps?
you see this orange vegetable in the Fall/Autumn.
what is a pumpkin.