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To whom was the book of Act written

1. Caesar

2. Luke

3. Theophilus

3. Theophilus


What did the lame man do when he began to walk?

1. He went with Peter & John into the temple courts

2. he was walking and jumping

3. he praised God

4. All of the above 

4. all of the above


When Peter and John were released from prison who did the people quote in their prayers?

1. Peter

2. David

3. Isaiah

4. John

2. David


What were the 12 going to give their attention to?

1. serving the widows

2. prayer and the ministry of the word

3.praising up new leaders

4. collecting money

2. prayer and the ministry of the word


Who boasted the he was someone great?

1. Peter

2. Philip

3. Simon, the sorcerer

4. John

3. Simon, the sorcerer


While Jesus was with the apostles for a period of 40 days teaching 

them about the Kingdom of God what did he command them?

1. Do no leave Jerusalem

2. wait for the gift my Father promised

3. You will be baptized with the Holy Spirit

4. All of the above

4. All of the above 


What made the lame man strong?

1. Magic

2. Medicine

3. faith in the name of Jesus

4. Peter's own power

3. faith in the name of Jesus


What did the apostles do with the money the believers gave them?

1. They kept it for themselves

2. they gave it to anyone who had needs

3. they gave it to their family members

4. they used it to buy bigger houses

2. they gave it to anyone who had needs.


What did Stephen do among the people?

1. he cast out demons

2. he preached against the church

3. he performed great wonders and signs

4. all of the above 

3. he performed great wonders and signs


What did Simon do after he heard Philip?

1. he believed

2. he was baptized

3. he followed Philip everywhere

4. all of the above 

4. all of the above


Who was staying in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost?

1. Cornelius and his family

2. God-fearing Jews from every nation

3. Jesus

4. Mary and Jesus' brothers

2. God-fearing Jews from every nation


What did the rulers, elders, and teachers of the law ask Peter and John when they were first brought before them?

1. What do you think you are doing?

2. Where did you learn your magic?

3. By what power or what name did you do this?

4. Can you teach us about this man named Jesus?

3. By what power or what name did you do this?


Who was called Barnabas?

1. Peter, one of the apostles

2. Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus

3. the high priest

4. the apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot

2. Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus


What did Stephen call the Sanhedrin?

1. Godly men

2. wicked men

3. stiff-necked people

4. leaders of the church

3. stiff-necked people


Why had the Ethiopian eunuch gone to Jerusalem?

1. to do official business

2. to visit the queen

3. to purchase food and clothing

4. to worship

4. to worship


Which prophet did Peter quote on the day of Pentecost?

1. Isaiah

2. Jeremiah

3. Joel

4. Samuel

3. Joel


Who did Peter say Jesus is?

1. Rock of Ages

2. The stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone

3. The firm foundation

4. all of the above

2. the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.


What seized the whole church and all who heard about Ananias & Sapphire?

1. overwhelming peace

2. great fear

3. fierce anger

4. abundant pride

2. great fear


After Stephen's death, where was the church scattered?

1. throughout Judea and Samaria

2. to the ends of the earth

3. among the neighboring cities

4. in caves

1. throughout Judea & Samaria


What did Philip as the Ethiopian?

1. Can I help you?

2. Do you know how to get to Gaza?

3. Do you understand what you are reading?

4. Why are you stopped along the road?

3. Do you understand what you are reading?


Finish this verse: "We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given....

1."to those who obey him"

2. "to those who call on his name"

3. "to everyone who asks"

4. "to those who have received his spirit"

1. To those who obey him


Finish this verse: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which..."

1. we must revere

2. we must take pray to

3. we must fear

4. we must be saved

4. we must be saved


According to Hebrews 13:16 what should we not forget?

1. To say our prayers before bed each night

2. to give all our money to the poor

3. To do good and to share with others

4. To read the Bible and go to church

3. to do good and share with others


Finish this verse, " Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive..."

1. immeasurable rewards and eternal life

2. The crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him

3. everything someone could ever dream of

4. answer to all your prayers. 

2. the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.. 


According to Psalm 119:130, what gives light and understanding to the simple?

1. A lamp on a table

2. The Lord your God

3. The unfolding of God's words

4. The moon and starts

3. the unfolding of God's words
