These enzymes begin chemical digestion of proteins
Rennin & Pepsin
Name any 1 of 3 enzymes that complete carbohydrate digestion
Maltase, Sucrase, Lactase
These are used for the physical break down of food in the mouth
This organ releases bicarbonate ions into the small intestine to neutralize acids from the stomach
This is partially digested food that enters the small intestine. (has the consistency of puree soup)
This enzyme breaks down proteins into shorter peptides in the small intestine
This enzyme breaks lipids into fatty acids and glycerol in the small intestine
This hangs from the middle of the back edge of the throat and prevents food from entering the nose
These are finger like tubes found on the walls of the intestine to increase surface area and absorb nutrients
This regulates the flow of partially digested food flowing out of the stomach into the small intestine
Pyloric sphincter
This enzyme completes protein digestion, breaking dipeptides down into individual amino acids
This acid is found in the stomach and creates a very acidic environment
HCl (Hydrochloric acid)
This is an open area at the back of the mouth where the nose and mouth come together
3 functions of this organ are to synthesize vitamins B and K, the elimination of waste, and to absorb water.
Large intestine
These can form from high levels of cholesterol in the diet, and may hinder fat digestion
This enzyme starts carbohydrate digestion and is located in the mouth
Salivary Amylase
This substance keeps the food lubricated and keeps the walls of the stomach from being digested by its own secretions
This tube carries food from the pharynx to the stomach
Name the wave of muscular contractions that push food along the digestive tract
This is a small pouch located at the junction of the small and large intestine. It can become infected and require surgery.
This enzyme breaks starch (polysaccharide) into disaccharides in the small intestine
Pancreatic Amylase
This emulsifies fats into smaller fat globules in the small intestine
What is the name of the first part of the small intestine
When the protective mucus lining of the stomach breaks down and exposes the cell membrane to HCl – what is the end result?
Disease of the Liver Characterised by a yellow colouring of the skin