Mechanical digestion begins in this body part. Provide the term that refers to the mechanical digestion at this part.
What is mastication or Chewing (in the mouth)?
Chemical Digestion begins here with this enzyme.
What is the mouth and salivary amylase.
The esophagus, stomach, and small intestine aid in mechanical digestion using these wave-like motions.
What is peristalsis?
Majority of chemical digestion occurs here.
What is the small intestine?
This organ produces bile, while this organ stores bile.
What is the liver and the gallbladder?
These form the inner layer of epithelial tissue in the small intestine increasing the surface area and absorption of nutrients.
What are villi and microvilli?
Name two things that the stomach can absorb.
What is water and alcohol?
The emulsification of fats occurs here.
What is the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine)?