The five stages of the digestive process
What are motility, secretion, digestion, absorption, and elimination?
What membrane connects the small intestine to the back wall of the abdomen to keep it supported and to keep the coils from getting tangled?
Chemical digestion
What is the break down of complex food molecules through the use of hydrolysis and enzymes?
Mucus from the salivary glands
What is responsible for lubricating the mouth during chewing?
Protein in chicken
What is a food source of amino acids?
Which structure is responsible for closing the entry way to the trachea while food moves from the mouth to the esophagus?
Ileocecal valve
Which structure is located at the connecting point of the large and small intestines and controls the rate at which the contents of the small intestine move into the large intestine?
What structure increases the surface area of the small intestine to increase the rate of nutrient absorption there? This structure is also covered by microvilli.
Mucus in the stomach
What is responsible for protecting the lining of the stomach?
Water and minerals
What are inorganic nutrients?
What is the wave-like motion of muscle contractions that occurs to move contents through the digestive (alimentary) tract?
Pancreatic juice
Which digestive secretion enters the duodenum near the pyloric sphincter, contains enzymes, and neutralizes the chyme?
What is the substance in the gastric juices of the stomach that converts into pepsin to begin the chemical digestion of proteins?
Sodium bicarbonate from the pancreas
What is responsible for neutralizing the chyme as it passes from the stomach to the duodenum?
Fat soluble vitamin
What is a type of vitamin that can be stored in the body?
What is responsible for moistening food, promoting chemical digestion, improving taste and helping the chewing process?
What occurs when the waste from digestion moves too quickly through the colon, thus not allowing the colon to reabsorb enough water from the waste, resulting in feces that contain too much water?
Deactivation of salivary amylase
What change occurs when food enters the stomach due to the low pH of the stomach contents?
What is the hormone that increases sodium bicarbonate production in the pancreas and bile production in the liver and slows stomach motility?
Nine essential amino acids
Which amino acids must be consumed in one's diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body itself?