These people are responsible for Infection Prevention at the DCC
Who is everyone?
The contact time for PDI Easy Screen Wipes
What is there is none? (Trick air dries)
This agency requires employers to evaluate all teammates risk potential of tasks annually, provide training and necessary PPE to protect our teammates, and to ensure their appropriate use to protect teammates from exposure to harmful substances and potentially infectious materials.
What is Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA)?
The most effective way to prevent germ transmission
What is hand hygiene?
The location of the "spill kit"
What is the cabinet above the reprocessing machine in the scope room (It has a sign on the door)
The name of the assessment that is completed annually to determine the areas of focus for the infection prevention program.
What is the infection prevention risk assessment?
The contact time for PDI Super Sani Wipes.
This is the purple top canister and small packets for glucometer.
What is 2 minutes?
Remember, you must clean before disinfection can occur.
If something is visibly dirty, use one wipe to clean and another to disinfect.
Name types of PPE we use in our center.
What gloves, gowns, goggles or face shield, and masks.
Remember to use appropriate PPE if you anticipate any splashes of blood, body fluids, or chemicals.
The length of time to wash hands with soap and water.
What is 15-20 seconds. (Sing Happy Birthday to yourself 2 times)
This vaccine is offered to all clinical teammates free of charge upon hire.
What is the hepatits B vaccination?
Type of precautions used on all patients.
What is standard precautions?
Terminal clean is performed how often
What is at the end of every procedural work day.
Name the correct sequence for Donning PPE
What is 1)Gowns, 2)Mask, 3)Goggles or face shield, 4)Gloves
This type of hand hygiene is required when caring for a C Diff patient or a patient with diarrhea of unknown etiology
What is washing with soap and water.
The sharps container MUST be changed when this happens.
What is when the sharps reach the "Fill line" on the container?
Where can I find the risk assessment and infection prevention plan for 2017.
What is the bulletin board in the break room or Infection Control Policy and Procedure manual
Kind of cleaning wipes used for a patient with C Diff or diarrhea of unknown etiology.
What is Clorox germicidal bleach wipes. (3 Minute contact time)
BTW...PDI Gray Top also has a 3 minute contact time.
Name the correct sequence for Doffing PPE
What is 1)Gloves, 2)Goggles or Face Shield, 3)Gown, 4)Mask
Remember if you forget, it is posted in every procedure room
This is the most common area missed when performing hand hygiene.
What are the thumbs. (Fingertips come in second)
This is a designated place for teammates to drink a covered drink
What is a hydration station.
This is an area that was approved by infection control and management after a risk assessment was complete.
Drinks are NEVER allowed in a procedure room.
The location of the Infection Prevention Policy and Procedure manual.
What is Carolyn's office.
Where I would look if I needed information regarding an exposure to a chemical (ie splash to eyes)
What is the SDS binder.
It is located on the shelf outside of room 2.
PPE stands for this.
What is Personal Protective equipment
Our hand hygiene policy is based on this agency's guidelines.
What is the CDC (Center's for Disease Control)
If you are involved in an exposure, this is required to be completed.
What is the employee incident report.
This needs to be filled out as soon as the incident occurs.