What is digestion?
The process of breaking down food so it can be used by your body is called digestion.
To hold the food that we eat and break down that food with gastric juices.
What is the stomach?
A stretchy plastic pouch.
What makes enzymes that help the body digest nutrients in food?
How much water should you drink a day?
8 glasses of water.
What is nutrients?
Nutrients are substances that give nourishment needed for our bodies to grow and stay healthy.
Finishes breaking down food into tiny bits. Now your body can take the nutrients, vitamins proteins and fats from the food. Moves waste into the large intestine.
Small intestine
What are the three important jobs for the stomach?
1. hold down the food, you eat.
2. to break down the food into a liquid.
3. to empty the liquid into the small intestine.
What stores bile until the body needs it?
How can you change your diet to make sure your digestive system is working?
Increase your daily dose of fiber.
What is bacteria?
Bacteria are one-celled organisms. Some types are helpful and help with digestion. Others can cause you to get sick.
Absorbs the rest of the water, nutrients and vitamins. What’s left is waste and pushed out through your colon.
Large intestine.
What do you call the liquid in your stomach?
gastric juices/acids
Name 5 foods that are high in fiber and will help with your digestion.
apples, oranges, berries, figs&dates, carrots, red peppers, peas, okra, avocados, black beans, lentils, almonds, brown rice, while grains, popcorn, sweet potatoes.
What is glucose?
Glucose is a simple sugar that is an important energy source in living organisms.
Makes bile, absorbs fats into the blood and also cleans your blood.
What causes the gurgling sounds in your stomach?
Bubbles of gas/air inside your stomach and small intestines.
What stores good bacteria that helps digestion?
The appendix.
How can you keep your food safe from germs? Name two.
What are acids?
Acids are chemicals that are found in our digestive juices. They help to break down food so it can be used by
the body.
Makes insulin and proteins called enzymes. Enzymes help the body break up nutrients in food.
How long is your small intestine?
20 feet long.
How long does the whole process of digestion take?
24 hours to 2 days.
What causes digestive problems and what are the side effects?
Germs cause digestive problems. You may experience cramps, stomach pain, and vomiting.