The digestive system breaks this down into nutrient molecules. (Rhymes with “dude”)
Our body can use food only after the food is broken into these. (Think tiny…)
nutrient molecules
Our body breaks down food both mechanically (physically) and this way.
A growling stomach is caused by this being trapped in your stomach and moved around.
When you eat food, it travels down this long tube before entering the stomach.
These glands produce saliva.
salivary glands
Food provides us with the 3 building blocks that our body needs to grow: carbs, fats, and these.
Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can all indicate that there is something wrong with this system.
Digestive System
This is the name of the wave-like contraction that takes place in the esophagus.
The muscular stomach mixes food with enzymes and this.
This organ processes, stores, and releases nutrients into your blood stream.
Sometimes called the COLON, this organ is (one of) the last stop(s) in the digestive system and contains many types of bacteria that help make vitamins.
large intestine
This organ is the longest part of your digestive system, and could wrap around your body three and a half times.
Small intestine
THIS is the name of Mrs. Gillies's dog.
This organ supplies the stomach with bile in order to break down fats.
gallbladder (liver acceptable answer)
Saliva contains these, which chemically break down food.
We use these in our mouths to break down food mechanically. (Name 2)
This voluntary action is the first step in digestion. (Rhymes with mooing)
This is the college where Tom Brady played quarterback.
After the liver releases nutrient molecules into the blood stream, the nutrients are delivered to these, which you have trillions of.