What is considered screaming in an Email, chat or when texting?
Cite Sources
What should we do to give credit when we build upon other people's opinions and work?
What is a form of internet fraud where the criminal pretends to be a legitimate business or organization in order to get personal information from you?
What is one site that can help you determine if an email story or offer is a hoax?
It is a good idea to do this periodically to review your digital web presence.
What is Google yourself?
Application that has educational uses that can drain our network bandwidth if too many students are using it at any given time.
What is video chatting software such as SKYPE?
What is a form of cheating when copying work created by someone else and not giving proper credit?
What is using the internet to harass or cause harm to another individual?
Help Menus
What is where you can look for answers or help when using your Macbooks?
According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 66% of all teens do this on social networks such as Facebook.
What is use the privacy controls to limit access to their profile?
The subject line of an Email.
What is something that should never be left blank?
Between $2000 and $10,000
What is the dollar amount that defendants generally have to pay to settle out of court with the worldwide recording industry?
Full Name, Address and Phone Number
What should you never post online, or provide to a stranger in a chat room?
Secure Site
What is indicated by https or a lock icon in the status bar of your browser?
Digital Tattoo
What is something you regret posting online that you can never take back that will be viewable by future employers and college admissions staff?
What is further a discussion, provide descriptive feedback and never generate into personal attacks or name calling.
What should be characteristics of blog comments or discussion forum posts?
Public Domain and Creative Commons
What are licenses that allow us to legally use other peoples work? (Although citing sources is still proper etiquette.)
Tell an adult you trust immediately.
What should you do if you accidentally access a web site you think may be considered inappropriate or if someone you don't know attempts to contact you in a chat room?
What you can type in the iTunes Store search bar to access a huge collection of free audio books for your computer, iPod or MP3 player?
Only 6% of teens make this publicly accessible on social networks according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project.