What is one site that can help you determine if an email story or offer is a hoax?
Only 6% of teens make this publicly accessible on social networks according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project.
What is their first and last name?
Further the discussion or give descriptive feedback.
What should blog comments always do?
Share, credit, and to build on others’ opinions and works.
What something difficult to figure out how to do legally within our complex intellectual property law?
Not being as engaged as their children in online life.
What is one factor that limits parents' and teacher's ability to guide and offer wisdom to students about their digital lives?
Invisible web.
What are web resources that cannot be found through a search engine or subject directory (such as articles in databases).
According to the Pew Internet & American Lifer Project, 66% of all teens do this on social networks such as Facebook.
What is use the privacy controls to limit access to their profile?
Flame war.
What is a term for when an online discussion degenerates into personal attacks and name-calling?
Creative Commons Licensing.
What is a type of license that allows creators of intellectual property to give up some rights while retaining ownership?
What is a form of internet fraud where the criminal pretends to be a legitimate business or organization in order to get sensitive information from you?
Secure site
What is indicated by https or a lock icon in the status bar of your browser?
What is the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act?
The 10-foot rule
What is a rule of thumb for how far you should be from any other person when talking on your cell phone?
This photo site allows users to selectively search for photographs licensed under Creative Commons.
What is Flickr?
Check the site's certificate.
What is something you should do to verify that the site is secure and is encrypting information that you submit?