Trillion Dollar Footprint
Identifying High-Quality Sites
Reality of Digital Drama
Cyber Bullying:
Crossing the Line
Reuse, Rework, Remix
All the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally.
What is a digital footprint?
Standards on which you base a judgement.
What is criteria?
A widespread belief about a group of people, often negative, that influences how members of that group are treated and perceived.
What is a stereotype?
A verbal attack targeting someone because of their race, gender, religion, ability, or sexual orientation.
What is hate speech?
The ability to use copyrighted work without permission, but only under certain conditions.
What is fair use?
Forever and permanent.
What is the time span of everything you put online?
The website doesn't contain an about section, no published date, have advertisements hard to decipher from actual content, and is not a well-known source.
What is an untrustworthy site?
At basketball tryouts, Melissa's team is placed in the non-advanced group because they are the only girl team and all the others are boys.
What is a generalization?
Riley gets random messages saying, "Hey come to the mall and bring me your mom's credit card, or I'll come and get it from you..." This happens every Friday, the day she always goes to the mall with her friends...
What is harassment?
Schoolwork and education, news reporting, criticizing or commenting, and comedy/parody.
What are the four points of fair use?
Think before you post, remember to review privacy settings, and search yourself up every so often to make sure your name isn't in something bad online.
What are some tips when being safe online?
The site has an about section, author contact information, a date, and is credited or sponsored by a popular organization, paper, or company.
What is a trustworthy website?
A type of entertainment evolved around the life of one or more people that is acted and edited, but made to look real.
What is reality television?
Jonah pretends to be LoveChloe244 on a social media website so he can talk to his crush without being exposed. He figures if she thinks he's a girl, then his crush will be comfortable talking to him.
What is deceiving?
"Scary Movie" is a film that takes scenes from horror movies and sarcastically remakes them.
What is a parody?
Can be shared, copied, broadcast, and changed.
What is everything you put online?
A website states, "almost everyone on the planet likes dogs because some peeple say they are the bestest so it doesnt matter what dog haterz say"
What is a sign of trustworthiness?
Tension between people online that cause grudges, arguments, and many ends to friendships.
What is drama?
Sarah runs for class president, but some people don't like her. She then gets an anonymous text message from a number saying, "Leave our school. No one likes you. if you win our class will be destroyed. You suck".
What is cyberbullying?
When someone mixes together different songs to create "2017 Billboard Hot 100".
What is a remix?
Pictures, articles, videos, post, comments, tweets, and a picture of you making your Communion on the school website.
What is information that makes up your digital footprint?
Using tips on evaluating websites to check their reliability.
What is trusting the information you find on a website?
Lisa posts on her Instagram, "Hey dudes let's support Caroline tonight, its her solo and she's been very nervous." Then Billy says, "Yeah I'll tell my sis to hide her shoes later, so we won't have to suffer through it." The day of the recital, Mary comes up to Caroline and says, "I just heard someone say they're gonna pour water on the floor before you perform." As you can see, this drama started by Lisa's post and turned into something that has nothing to do with it...
What is gossip?
Saying mean comments, making fun of people on the internet, and posting false statements against someone on social media.
What is inappropriate online behavior?
When someone publishes a song, no one can claim that piece of work except for them.
What are the rights of a creator?