Something we do automatically without thinking
Small text files stored on a computer that keep track of what a person does on a website
All the information online about a person posted either by that person or by others, intentionally or unintentionally
Using digital devices, sites, and apps to intimidate, harm, and upset someone
Showing a strong opinion or preference for
or against something or someone
Features or aspects of a device or app that prioritize what's good for people's lives
Humane Design
A legal document that an app or website must provide and that describes what user information they collect and how they use it
Privacy Policy
Unknown or unanticipated people who can see information about you posted online.
Invisible Audience
A verbal attack targeting someone because of a group they belong to -- e.g., their race, gender, religion, ability, sexual orientation, etc.
hate speech
The ability to use copyrighted work without permission, but only in certain ways and specific situations
fair use
A response to something you do or post online that causes your brain to experience a temporary moment of pleasure
feedback loop
When apps or websites use information they have collected about you to show you certain types of advertisements
targeted advertising
Websites and applications that enable users
to create and share content or to participate in
social networking
Social Media
Someone who responds to a bullying situation by confronting the bully directly or by telling a trusted adult Vs. Someone who responds to a bullying situation by supporting the person being bullied
Upstander and ally
Information being reported about an event that has just happened or is currently occurring
Addictive Design
Turn off cookies, adjust privacy settings, limit what you share are all ways to...
Limit what is tracked
Sharing personal feelings, information, or
experiences that later make the sharer feel uncomfortable or regretful
To imagine the feelings that someone else is experiencing
Creative work that's not copyrighted and free to use without permission
public domain
Features or aspects of a device or app that are intended to hook the user into frequent use
addictive design
Choices a website or app might give you about what information is visible to other users and third parties
privacy setting
When something happens on digital media that makes you feel uncomfortable, worried, sad, or anxious
red flag feeling
Without a name or other information that identifies a person
purpose, amount, nature, effect
four factors of fair use