What is good digital citizenship?
What is the first thing we do when making a phone call?
Ask for the person you are calling.
Ex. Hi, may I please speak to __________.
Do we share private information to others online?
No. Never
Put it in your phone and make sure you add their full name.
What is bad digital citizenship?
Posting something mean about a friend. Sharing private information online.
How do we end a phone call? Give an example
I have to get going
I better let you go
I need to go for dinner
I have to get ready for bed
It’s been so nice catching up with you
Should we met up with a stranger who we met online?
No. We never know who the person could be behind the screen.
What are some appropriate ways we can chat with friends we know? Name 2 examples
What is digital citizenship?
Using technology in a safe and responsible way.
What is the double digit rule ?
Don't call before or after double digits. 10am-10pm
You should never post or share an embarrassing ____________ of someone without their permission.
Picture or Video
What kind of information do we not share with others online?
Private information
Using technology to learn. Is this a Do or Don't?
Do !
How many messages do we send in a row without hearing back?
We should never give out our name, address or ____________ to strangers online.
phone number
Never use your real name when you're online. Instead we should use a ____________.
Fake name, nickname or screen name
Looking up inappropriate material. Is this a Do or Don't?
Give an example of a cover story of why you are calling them.
Answers can vary.
Ex. I was just calling to see how you are doing
I was wondering what you are up to?
What are your plans this weekend?
Whats for dinner tonight?
Give an example of something you can do on the internet?
-Chat with friends
-Online shopping
-Online games
-Book a vacation
What did Sabrina and Tea do to knock down the wall in the game?
Think back to the video we watched yesterday.
Worked as a team.
Teamwork makes the dream work