Digital Footprint
Cyber Bullying
Red Flags
Security Scene
Media Balance

Name three things that are part of my digital footprint.

Texts, emails, posts, social media accounts, pages I follow, snapchats, basically anything I send on the internet.

What is cyberbullying?

The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.


Someone you don't know in real life starts sending you private messages. Red flag or not? What should you do?

Red flag. Do not respond if you don't know them in real life. Better yet, do not let them follow your accounts.


How do you set your social media account to private?

Go to settings, click on privacy, and set to "private account".


Name two ways to reduce screen time.

Plug your phone in away from you, schedule time away from screens, go outside without your phone, set your phone to do not disturb, silence your phone, use your screen time app to try to reduce your time online.

When do things captured in my digital footprint disappear?



What is one way to respond to cyberbullying if you are the victim?

Block them, delete the post, tell a trusted adult, etc.


A person you don't know sends you a private message and says they are a 14 year old and they think you are cute. Red flag or no? Why?

Red don't know who someone really is online. Do not respond and block the person.


How do you turn off location? Why should you do this?

In your settings, you can turn off location on each individual app, or in general. Your location should be turned off so that people do not know where you are, especially if you have followers that you do not know in real life.


What does "addictive design" mean?

Addictive design is the way in which apps and video games are designed to influence your online habits and keep you engaged in the game/app longer. These apps and games are designed to keep the user logged on and engaged, and can be very detrimental.


How could my digital footprint negatively impact my future?

It can impact college scholarships/acceptances, jobs, and my reputation.


What is one way to respond to cyberbullying if you are the bystander?

Report them to the app, tell a trusted adult, stand up for/defend victim (be an upstander!), block/unfollow the bully.


Why should social media accounts be set to private and not public?

Then you can decide who follows you and sees your information. Public accounts share all of your information with the entire world, and you have no control over who is seeing it.

What are 3 things you should never share online?

Date of birth, address, family members private information, bank accounts, phone numbers (unless it is someone you know), identifying personal information, etc.


You currently use media and are online about 8 hours per day. Is this too much? 

Yes. Try to reduce your screen time to 2-3 hours or less.


What is one strategy for building a positive digital footprint that won't negatively impact my future?

Be aware of things that I post or send, use the T.H.I.N.K (is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind) when I send anything over the internet, keep my accounts private, only send things that I would say in real life, be aware of how my words impact others.


You are part of a group chat and you all know each other in real life. Susie starts making fun of Debbie, that is not in the group chat, and a couple of the other kids join in. Why is this wrong and how should you respond?

It is the same thing as talking behind Debbie's back and spreading rumors/gossip about her in person. It is considered bullying. You should report this to an adult, stand up for Debbie, and/or leave the chat. 


You are with a friend at a sleepover and they have an app that you can log on and chat with strangers. They want you to join in, but you don't feel comfortable with that. Red flag? Why? What should you do?

Red flag- yes! Any app that connects you to strangers is not a good idea. Tell your friend you aren't comfortable with that, suggest another idea, or even go home if need be.

Should you ever share your passwords to your accounts with friends?

No. Only with your parents or family, you should never give out passwords to anyone else.


What are the dangers of social media addiction?

Social media addiction can impact our mental health negatively, our sense of self/self-esteem, and our relationships with others.


What does the T.H.I.N.K. acronym stand for? Hint: this stands for what we should ask ourselves before we post something or send something on the internet. 

True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind


A friend won't respond to your texts, even when you ask them "What's up? Are you mad?" Is this cyberbullying?

No, it is not. Maybe your friend is busy, or not near their phone, or they are upset and need to talk in person. You should not text them over and over again and just talk to them in person.


You have a public Tiktok account and you've been messaging with someone that says they live in the next town and is your age. They want to meet up at the local park. Red flag or not? 

RED FLAG....YES! Do not meet or chat with anyone you do not know in real life.


You have a "finsta" or spam account that doesn't have your real name attached to it. Can this be traced to you?

Yes. Your IP address can be traced if you use your personal devices to access those accounts. You should still abide by the same rules and expectations on spam accounts.


What is a humanely designed app and give one example?

A humanely designed app is a resource for designing ethically humane digital products through patterns focused on user well-being.
