digital footprint
privacy and security
being responsible
protecting yourself from danger online

what things can be part of your digtal foot print 

posts, internet searches, likes on posts, comments, messages, online purchases etc.


what you can do to keep your personal information safe on social media

keep social media accounts private, dont accept friend requests or messages from those you dont know,  avoid unsafe internet groups or pages


how to remain physically healthy when using the internet

take breaks when your eyes and body are sore and tired, keep a good sleep schedule and communicate face to face


dangers we face online

what is hacking, grooming, cyberbullying 


define digital footprint 

The term digital footprint refers to the unique set of data including tracible communications, actions, activities and contributions one has. It is something that follows you forever and often the public has access to a majority of it. This can include google searches, messages, and comments etc.


information that should be kept private 

what is passwords, address,location, full name, birthday day, social security, place of employment etc.


what you should not do on the internet 

hack, cyberbully, post or say things you might regret etc.


ways to protect others from being bullied

dont foward or engage with embarassing photos or messages, post containing insults of harassment 


how to limit your digital footprint 

dont overshare, think about what you post, comment, like, and search


reason why your privacy matters 

privacy works to protect your banking information, family, location, identity, and personal images


one thing you can do to keep the rest of the internet safe

if you see anything inappropriate, report it


how to protect yourself online

change passwords often and use multiple, have private accounts, be careful what you view and download, use  reputable websites etc.


how could your digital footprint effect you later in life

it could be viewed by future employers, friends, or partners


how to be an effective user of the digital economy 

shop at sights that are legit, safe, and legal


what does it mean to follow diginital law 

avoid doing things such as like plagiarising, cyberbullying, and downloading ilegal music and or illicit pictures


what to do if you or someone you know is being bullied online

tell a trusted adult, block and report them, tell the police
