You should do this to make sure that you are searching for the right word
What is type carefully
The importance of proper manners and behavior online
What is Netiquette?
The responsible use of technology
What is Digital Citizenship?
Irresponsible social media usage, and a general lack of knowledge about how to safely use the Internet
What is Bad Digital Citizenship
If the website does not start with this, then you should not use it because it is not safe.
The process of luring someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona.
What is Catfishing
You respect this random stranger online and he shows you equal respect.
What is treat everyone the same way you want to be treated
is sending sexually explicit messages, photos, or videos via cell phone, computer, or any digital device.
What is sexting?
You should never post your name, address, or phone number.
What is don't post personal information.
fraudulent practice of sending emails in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information
What is Phishing
how long something last if you post something you don't want anyone seeing,
What is forever
when someone has use your account without permission and destroyed comments or pictures, or created new and offensive comments and pictures pretending to be you.
What is Fraping