What is good digital citizenship?
Doing what is right on the internet.
Who is allowed to use digital citizenship?
When should you use digital citizenship?
All the time or whenever you are on the internet.
Where should digital citizenship be allowed?
Everywhere on the internet.
What do you do that makes you a good digital citizenship?
By doing what is right on the internet.
What is an example of bad digital citizenship?
Spreading your real name and address online.
What is it called when you call someone names or threat them by emailing them or going on Social Media?
Bonus question!!!
You just earned the points without answering anything. Lucky you!!!
You posted your friends picture online of her in a pretty dress. Everyone did like the picture. But your friend was mad. Was it still ok to post her picture and why?
No, because that was her privacy and you needed her permission to do that.
Is it best to be a Bystander or Upstander?
What types of information can you share on the Internet?
Fake name and small details.
Mostly all the information I find on the Internet is basically true. If it isn't true the item I'm reading will tell me.
Not true, mostly all the information on the Internet is not true because anybody can upload information that looks correct.
When should you show your full name online?
Where should you reveal your privacy online?
No where.
How is digital citizenship helpful in life?
It helps by keeping you safe and private on the internet.
What is the reason for digital citizenship?
To become a better person online and keep you safe.
Who should be allowed to use their real name as a kid on the Internet.
no one.
What application do we use to type documents for class?
Google Docs
How can you show someone where you live online?
How is texting answers to an assignment bad digital citizenship?
Because it is classified as cheating.
If I saw someone getting called names and I helped them by telling the person to stop, I am called a/an?
Should my camera be on during remote learning if my room isn't clean?
Yes it should be! I should clean my room since I know I have class coming.
When is sharing pictures of yourself online ok?
If someone hacked my computer, what did they use to do it with?
The Internet!
What type of information is this, name, address, phone number, school I attend, my mothers full name?
Personal Information!