What is all of the information online about someone either posted by that person or someone else intentionally or unintentionally
What is Digital Footprint?
information can easily be papered with.
Why should you be careful to evaluate websites before using their information in research projects?
an assumption made about a whole group of people based upon your experiences.
Using fake names, posing as someone else, or creating a fake profile about someone else
What is deceiving?
What is to reform, reuse, or remix copyrighted work into something else
Anyone who can see information about you posted online
What is Invisible Audience?
It is not clear who the author is
Which answer is a warning that a website might NOT have trustworthy information?
What is about a group of people often negative that influences how members of that group are perceived and treated
A verbal attack targeting someone because of their race, gender, religion, ability, or sexual orientation.
What is hate speech?
If you rework something is it copyright?
What is no
lasting a long time, if not forever. (such as information that keeps getting spread online)
What is Persistent?
to present a finished piece of work to the public
What is publish?
Is digital Drama the same as real life drama
What is false
Saying mean things, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in a public forum with the intention to humiliate
What is flaming?
What is a creative work that is funny imitation of something and pokes fun at an original work
accounts on any platform, social media, anything you posted that can be viewed
What are other types of info that can make up your digital footprint?
accurate and dependable
What is trustworthy?
is drama on reality TV as real as real drama
What is False
Flaming, deceiving, and harassment.
What are 3 different types of cyber bullying?
If you take someone else's work and call it your own is it copyright?
What is yes
Your digital footprint is all of the information about you online that only you post
What is no?
standards on which you base a judgment
What is criteria?
All boys like football
What is an example of generalization
When the targeting becomes constant and in some cases threatening.
What is considered "crossing the line."?
Public Domain
What is creative work that's not copyrighted and therefore free for you to use however you want