All the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally
Digital footprint
potential threats to a person's or an organization's digital systems or accounts
Cybersecurity risk
Choices a website or app might give you about what information is visible to other users and third parties
Privacy settings
Online information tailored to you by websites and apps based on your behavior and preferences about you
Personalized Content
What are 3 examples of ways to have an online presence?
Snapchat, Instagram, livestreaming, live gaming, YouTube comments, fan communities, or even communicating through Google Docs.
a phrase that refers to features or aspects of a device or app that are intended to hook the users into frequent use
addictive design
a type of crime in which your
private information is stolen and used
for criminal activity
Identity theft
To choose to not participate in something
Opt Out
How does Netflix racially profile users?
Changing their advertising and misrepresenting their films based on the collected racial demographics of viewers.
3 Benefits of social media
Communication: It's a way to stay in touch and stay connected to friends and family.
Expression: You can post your personal opinions and ideas about important topics.
Entertainment: It’s fun to share things you're interested in.
Future: It's an opportunity to present a curated version of yourself for the public or for colleges and employers.
When apps or websites use information they have collected about you to show you certain types of advertisements
Targetted Advertising
When someone pretends to be you or poses as you
A legal document that an app or website must provide and that describes what user information they collect and how they use it
Privacy Policy
A design that priorities what is good for us. It includes technology that is designed to be useful and really add value to our lives.
Humane design
3 drawbacks of social media
Oversharing: when people share something they later regret (Slide 6)
Permanence: Embarrassing or regrettable posts, including those that "disappear" (Snaps, Stories, etc.), become part of your permanent digital footprint, which might have a negative impact. Define digital footprint as all the information online about a person posted either by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally. (Slide 7)
Social pressure: When everyone else is posting, you feel pressure to participate.
Life balance: Managing multiple platforms and accounts requires a lot of time.
Small text files stored on a computer that keep track of what a person does on a website
What are 2 ways to keep your identity safe online?
Never share your login information
Create strong passwords or use a password manager
Enable 2-factor authentication on all the apps and websites you use
Make sure you log off your accounts after using public or shared devices
Sharing a lot of personal information and then regretting it later
3 Ways you can Limit What Is Tracked about you?
Limit what you share
Adjust privacy settings
Turn off cookies
What recent news was uncovered regarding Tik Tok?
-Tik Tok aware of how addictive can be
-Tik Tok boosts users who are attractive
-PR stunt:Tik Tok's timelimit tool was to improve public trust not to get kids to put their phones down
Apps, websites, or third parties collecting information about your online activity (other sites you visit, links you click, how long you stay, etc.)
Third Party
What does A.S.K. stand for?
Accessed: What will be accessed?
Shared: What will be shared with other people or companies?
Known: What could be known about me if I use this?
Apps, websites, or third parties collecting information about your online activity (other sites you visit, links you click, how long you stay, etc.)
Online Tracking
3 ways I can protect my privacy online
Turn off cookies in your browser settings.
Review the app's privacy settings and opt out of any sharing options you're not comfortable with.
Review the privacy policy and terms of service and use ASK to analyze how using the app will affect your privacy.
What is the "echo chamber experiment"?