List 5 different activities you do on a screen
Examples: streaming TV shows, gaming, ordering food, shopping, Youtube, searching for things, talking to people, etc
True or false - a good password is "mycatfluffy"
True or false? Your Digital Footprint is all the information about you online that only you post
Someone who sees Cyberbullying and does not help
List 5 activities you do that don't involve any screen time
Examples: sports, hanging out with people in person, going for a walk, going to the beach, playing board games, playing music, camping, sharing meals etc
You are playing an online game with your school friend Ebony. Suddenly a message pops up on your computer that says Click here to win a Million dollars!!! What do you do?
Close the window
True or false? Posting on Snap Chat is OK because it's only online for a short time
False - it takes less than a second to take a screenshot and share it
Someone who helps when they see Cyberbullying happen
What are 5 benefits of the activities you do offline?
Fun, exercise, face-to-face communication, relaxation, building relationships, experiencing nature, using all of your senses
List 5 types of private information
Full name, address, phone number, school, place you play sport, place you hang out, email address, password
The acronym you should use before posting to protect your Digital Footprint
To imagine how someone feels
What is media balance?
Using media in a way that feels healthy and in balance with other life activities (family, friends, school, hobbies, etc)
What makes up a good password?
Capital letter, numbers, symbols, no pet names, nicknames, family names, etc.
Why is everything you post online considered permanent?
It can be shared widely, downloaded to other computers and altered
Ways to be an upstander
Stand up for the target • Empathise with the target • Get help from a trusted adult
List 5 ways you can purposefully "unplug" yourself from technology
If you receive an email from someone you don't know, what should you do and why?
Delete it because it might contain a virus
Why is it important to have a positive Digital Footprint?
A poor digital reputation can affect your friendships, relationships and even your job prospects, so it is very important that you are aware of what picture you are painting of yourself online and protect your digital reputation today
You received a mean message online, what do you do?
Do not respond, take a screenshot, block the bully, tell a trusted adult, find something fun to do instead