Trillion Dollar Footprint
Identifying High-Quality Sites
The Reality of Digital Drama
Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line
Rework, Reuse, Remix
All of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally.
What is a digital footprint?
Accurate and Dependable.
What is trustworthy?
An assumption made about a whole group of people based on your experiences with a few.
What is a generalization?
Saying mean things, usually in all caps and often in a public forum with the intention to humiliate.
What is flaming?
The ability to use the copyrighted work without permission, but only in certain ways and in specific situations.
What is fair use?
Any picture with you in it, all the decisions you have made in the past, all the decisions you will make in the future, photos that you post online, and keywords people can search online.
What are some types of information that make up your digital footprint?
You pull up a website that has no author and no contact us information. The information seems valid but you cannot verify that is true.
What is an untrustworthy website?
Girls always love the color pink. They love things all sparkly.
What is an example of a stereotype?
This girl named Stacey commented on a boy's page and this girl started harassing her and threatening her. She was so hurt by all these terrible words. This girl was trying to bring her down.
What is crossing the line of cyberbullying?
Schoolwork, Criticizing, and Parodies
What are examples of when you can have fair use?
Photos of you helping the elderly, a newspaper article about your sports team, and a blog you created to showcase your talents.
What is a positive mark on your digital footprint?
You pull up a website with an author and a credible source gave it to you originally. The information is very detailed and quotes any sources they got it from.
What is a trustworthy website?
A teen watched a TV show where women just screamed at each other so they could be better than the other. The next day, the teen had her friends over and screamed at them because that is what she saw on television.
What is a way that drama can start because of an influencing tv show?
This boy is getting bullied by his friends. He makes the decision to tell an adult immediately.
What is attempting to stop his cyberbullying problems?
Someone created a trailer and did not credit anyone who originally made it. They are also getting paid for it.
What is an unacceptable way to use fair use?
Searched, copied, shared, and broadcasted.
What are ways your digital footprint can be used?
To carefully examine something to figure out its value
What is evaluating?
All boys like football.
What is an example of a generalization?
Rumors are spreading about this girl named Tanya. Her "friends" start making fun of her online because they think they are better than her.
What is an example of cyberbullying?
If their is credit given to the original owner and you are not getting paid for others' work.
What are examples of okay times to use fair use?
John: Awesome dude, who plays basketball and football. He is very kind to his classmates. ATTENTION: John was caught using steroids in order for him to have bigger muscles for football.
What is a profile with a negative mark on their digital footprint?
You go on a website for school and it has all the information you were looking for. Once you got home you wanted to research about your favorite movie star. You researched it and you found all the information you needed.
What is using trustworthy research techniques?
A woman and a man have a fight in real life that wasn't very exciting. However, someone heard about it and that couple acted out their fight but much more exaggerated on a reality television series.
What is an example of how most drama on tv is not candid moments but most of the time exaggerated?
A girl in your class is getting bullied. Then, you hear from someone else that the bully is attacking her online now. You stick up for her and tell an adult.
What is an example of someone trying to end cyberbullying?
Weird AL takes popular songs and turns them into funny songs with goofy lyrics.
What is an example of a parody?