All of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally.
What is digital footprint
Standards on which you base a judgement.
What is criteria
An assumption made about a whole group of people based upon your experiences with a few.
What is generalization
Bombarding someone with messages over digital media, or repeated contact when it is least expected.
What is harassing
The ability to use copyrighted work without permission, but only in certain ways and in specific situations (schoolwork and education, news reporting, criticizing or commenting on something, and comedy/parody)
What is fair use
Lasting a long time, if not forever, such as information that one posts online that does not go away because it is passed on and spread.
What is persistent
To present a finished piece of work to the public.
What is publish
A widespread belief about a group of people-often negative-that influences how members of that group are perceived and treated.
What is stereotype
Saying mean things, usually in ALL CAPS, and often in a public forum with the intention to humiliate.
What is flaming
Editing together clips of video, sound, images, and text by "remixing" or "mashing" different parts together to create something new
What is remix or mashup
"an online newspaper article about work to help the homeless"
"a photo of me at the White House meeting the president"
"a blog you created to showcase your artwork"
What is Positive Digital Footprint
It is not clear who the author is on a website and there are many spelling/grammatical errors.
What is untrustworthy information warnings
All boys like football.
All girls are girly.
What is generalization example
Harassing, Flaming, Deceiving, and Hate Speeches.
What is forms of cyberbullying
Using a small amount, rework and use in a different way, add new meaning and make it original, use for a nonprofit purpose, and give credit.
What is examples of fair use
Online photos and comments that others post about you.
What is Digital Footprint Information
(Blank) can post things on the internet, so the things you read online many not be true.
What is anyone
Television that doesn't always capture candid moments in real time and that is actually staged most of the time or has been reworked in some way. However, it is made to look real.
What is "real" Reality TV
Making a physical threat online or saying something mean online.
What is examples of cyber bullying
Remixing a copyrighted song and charging people for it.
What is not fair use
A digital footprint can be searched, copied, and shared by...
What is invisible audience
You should be careful to (Blank) websites before using their information in research projects and important work.
What is evaluate
Drama is often edited or scripted before people see it and many people's ideas about drama are based off of stereotypes of boys and girls.
What is online and reality drama
When a teasing situation turns something harmless into something harmful.
What is "crossing the line"
You want to use a photo from a site that says they provide free information and is not copyrighted. This photo would be in the (Blank)