Never ask for someone's phone number more than...
If you ask for someone's phone number and they say no you should ask again True or false
When emailing a teacher or other adult, what type of tone/language should you use?
When you accidentally access yucky stuff or seem to have exposed your computer to a virus you should immediately
digital communication
Before you call someone, come up with a
If you ask for someone's contact information and they decline you can always
offer to give them yours
Even if your name is part of your email address, you need to end your message with
a closing, a signature, your name
If someone online who you've never met in person wants you to come to their house (or to come to yours).
Say NO! Tell a parent
Name three types of digital communication
answers may include smart phone, email, text, instant messanger, video chat
Never leave more than how many messages for someone (never call them more than this many times if they don't pick up)
If someone is making you feel uncomfortable in a conversation or you aren't enjoying it how do you get out off of the phone?
Another cover story, say you have to go
Just like with phone calls you should never send more than ____________________ emails before stopping
Before you post a picture or comment online ask yourself
Would I want my grandma/mom/parents to see this?
If you're accessing the internet on your laptop or desktop computer you need to have
protection, security
When calling someone you should always start the call with this
Introduction-Your name
Someone you're talking with wants to talk about something you're not interested in, what can you change the topic to?
Common interest
When sending an email you should close it with your
name, signature
It may seem innocent enough, but you should never give out your _____________________ to unknown people or companies.
personal information/contact information
When you call someone it's a good idea to have a _______________ as your reason for calling
Before you call someone on the phone, you should talk to them first to figure out if you have what
anything in common/common interests/to ask for their phone number
What is it called when you contact someone on their phone or through email without them giving you permission?
Cold calling
If you get an email from someone you don't know and there's a link in the email do you open it?
You can keep your computer safer by installing
privacy, security, safety apps or programs
When you're having a phone conversation how can you tell if someone is interested or not?
by their tone/responses