This should be changed every 6 months
What is your password?
You need to protect this online
What is your privacy?
This is the definition of cyberbullying
What is using technology to intimidate or harass others online?
True or False - It is ok to have friends online that you never see
What is true?
We need this to communicate online
What is the internet?
This combination should be used when creating a password
What is letters, numbers and symbols?
Before you post or text you should determine this
What is - is this appropriate and would I say this out loud?
True or False - It is ok to say something mean about someone online because no one will ever know.
What is False?
Name one thing you should never share with someone you met online
What is your address? phone number? name? age? name of school?
Name 3 ways to communicate online
What is text, email, social media?
What is your full name?
If I post a picture doing something inappropriate and I delete it, is it gone forever?
What is No and nothing you do online is gone forever!
This person has the power to end on line relationships at any time
What is You do?
If the person you meet online asked you to not tell anyone about your relationship, is this ok
What is NO?
We use these things to communicate online
What is cell phone, laptop, gaming system, ipad, desk top computer?
Everyone born in the USA has one of these
What is social security number?
If I get a college scholarship they probably will check my social media account to make sure I have not done anything I shouldn't have
What is - yes they will check?
This provides a convenient platform from which to deliver hurtful messages
What is social media?
If the person you meet online makes you feel uncomfortable what should you do?
What is block them or what is tell an adult?
True or False - We should believe everything we read and see on the internet
What is False?
This is the only way to keep your SSN safe
What is memorize it?
This can be damaged if something inappropriate is done on social media
What is my reputation?
True or False - If someone you know is being bullied on social media, you should stay out of it.
What is True?
It is ok to play games online with strangers as long as what?
What is you do not share personal information with them?
True or False - Screenshotting and reposting are ways to communicate
What is True