A cantrip that deals fire damage.
What is Firebolt?
What is Green flame blade?
What is produce flame?
What is create bonfire?
Matt Mercer created this class.
What is Blood Hunter?
Bacca's favorite monster to use.
What is a doppelganger?
This race is described as part demon and part human.
What is Tiefling?
The answer to (2+2i)+(1+3i).
What is 3+5i?
This spell, obtained at level 5, has spawned a near infinite number of memes.
What is Fireball?
This class is first shown in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
What is Artificer?
CR rating of a Lich, when it is not in its lair.
What is 21?
What is the most popular race for a new player.
What is human?
The date of Pi Day.
When is 3/14?
What is level 5 spell level?
The number of wizard subclasses.
What is 15?
The alignment of a Black Dragon.
What is Chaotic Evil?
The longest living race.
What is Elf?
The name of this theorem:
Every bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence.
What is Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem?
This spell draws on the deepest fears of a group of creatures, creating illusory creatures in their minds, visible only to them.
What is Weird?
The most common class for an Elf.
What is Ranger?
The lowest CR rating attainable.
What is 0?
The only race not to have a +2 in an ability score.
What is human?
The set of Real Numbers and the open interval (0,1) have the same cardinality because of this property.
What is a bijection?
What is a one-to-one correspondence?
The number of 9th level spells.
The most common class for a new player.
This dragon queen appears in the first episode of the DnD cartoon.
Who is Tiamat?
This races uses magic to fuse different life forms together. They can change their appearance drastically, but mostly retain their basic physical form.
What is Simic Hybrid?
The name of this equation:
What is the homogenous transport equation?