Who is more reliable for help your closest friends or your parents/guardians?
Your parents/guardians.
Some kids at school are being mean to George. What should you do?
Tell someone.
Which password is most secure for a 12 year old boy named Bob?
True or false it is okay to post pictures of your friends if they let you and it's appropriate.
The word that is short for “application,” and is a computer program that performs a specific set of functions.
Who should you go to if an online friend wants to meet in person?
Your parents/guadians.
Jeff is texting rude stuff to Bob. What should Bob do?
Report Jeff.
What can you do if a link pops up saying they have all movies and music for free?
Don't click it.
How do you prevent flamewars?
Treat other people the way you want to be treated.
A person who acts safely, responsibly, and respectfully online.
a Digital Citizen
Who should you tell if someone asked you to something illegal?
The police.
You get a popup link from your friend what should you do?
Ask your friend about it.
What do you do if someone is texting mean stuff to you?
Block and report them.
True or false strangers wanting to be your friends are likely adults.
Another word for digital etiquette.
Someone is using there school email to harass you. who should you tell?
A teacher or principal.
People are posting pictures of you without your permission. What do you do?
Seek help from people you trust.
What do you do if someone posted a picture of you that you didn't want them to post?
Tell someone and/or report them.
What do you call people who try to start flamewars?
A sensationalist headline or link to an article, blogpost, or other Internet content that exists for the purpose of attracting attention, or “drawing clicks.” Once a user clicks on the headline or image, the website is often mostly ads.
The definition off Upstander.
Someone who supports and speaks up for a person being bullied online.
What is the definition of Cyberstalking?
To repeatedly harass someone online.
The definition of file-sharing sites.
Sites or services that let you share music, videos, and other files online with other people.
What is a flamewar?
When people get mad at each other online and start arguing.
The definition of code the verb.
to write computer instructions