The T in THINK stands for
What is true?
The internet is a vast collection of
What is details?
42% of 15 year olds have this
What are open accounts?
When you search and interact online, this is what is left behind
What is a trail of info?
Remember that whatever you choose to post, text, or put online always has the potential to be seen by
Who is those you didn't intend?
The K in THINK stands for
What is kind?
48% of recruiters and HR professionals refer to this when deciding whether or not to hire you
What is personal websites?
You should keep content true, useful and
What is positive?
This can be a worthwhile exercise
What is googling yourself?
Hurtful behavior can have consequences both
What is online and offline?
The I in THINK stands for
What is illegal?
These catalog everything from blog posts and press releases to your social media updates
What are search engines?
2/5 teens have added unknown people to this
What is their friends list?
Old or inactive accounts should be this
What is deleted or disabled?
Posts that you made when you were younger can be damaging to you when
What is you get older or become an adult?
The H in THINK stands for?
What is hurtful?
Whether you use these types of sites or not, mentions of you and your business can appear on them
What are social media sites?
Just because you deleted it doesn't mean it's
What is gone?
Elements of your digital footprint can be
What is searched or shared?
Some people use social media to express their feelings, attack people or resolve conflict. Communicating this way can be
What is harmful and ineffective?
The N in THINK stands for
What is necessary?
What, when, how, and where you post things online can affect this
What is online reputation?
68% of teens posts these of themselves online
What are photos?
You should always keep personal details private and control these
What are privacy settings?
Before you post, make sure that what you are saying or sharing is something you
What is feel comfortable with everyone knowing?