Vocab: A regular behavior or practice
What is Piracy?
stealing copyrighted work by downloading or copying it in order to keep, sell, or give it away without permission and not paying
Define Harass
to bother or pressure aggressively
What does deceive mean?
to mislead or falsely persuade others
Define stereotype
popular belief about a group of people, assumptions that are often extreme or inaccurate
Why might people have more time with social media than others?
Every student and family have different rules
Why is it illegal to pirate or plagiarize other people's work?
Risky, Safe, Unsafe
Friend request from your friends Uncle on Facebook that you don't know very well
Why might someone lie about their age online?
new identity, to fit in, not be judged, looked at more seriously
What are stereotypes about boys?
Sports, jock, workout, strong, don't cry, "manly"
Vocabulary: A written record of an occurrence over time
A log
What is Plagiarism?
What does inappropriate mean?
not proper, not okay
What are consequences of presenting yourself online differently?
People may discover they are lying and get upset or it could put them in uncomfortable positions
In what role does media play in shaping gender stereotypes?
Media can present stereotypes in multiple ways that allow people to break free their gender stereotype
What can you do in your free time besides media?
Read, play outside
Name examples of times you have shared some type of creative work.
download music, download video from youtube, cut out something from a magazine or newspaper, google slides, using information for project
Risky, Safe, or Unsafe
Someone on your game chat privately messages you asking for you to send a picture and they will send one back
What does exaggerate mean?
to say something is more or greater than it actually is
What are female stereotypes?
sensitive, love pink, "girly", dolls, drama
What are the most common ways we use media?
Define acknowledge
giving credit to someone's work you are using
Risky, Safe, or Unsafe
Chatting with friends on an online game, casual talk, been friends a long time
Name an anonymous scenario that is harmful
Multiple answers--Hiding identity and being mean, telling lies
Define gender
social ideas about how boys and girls should look and act