The first general-purpose all electronic computer.
What is the ENIAC?
Global network of computers.
What is the Internet?
This computer accessory was developed by Xerox in the 1970s.
What is a computer mouse?
First electric computer
What is the Z1?
Apple's first smartphone.
What is the iPhone?
The cofounder of Apple Computers.
Who is Steve Jobs?
The first commercially available scientific computer.
What is the IBM 701?
Pages viewed on the Internet.
What is the World Wide Web?
A computer meant to be used by one person.
What is a personal computer?
They control the flow of electric currents in computers.
What are transistors?
Ability of a computer to make human-like decisions.
What is artificial intelligence?
The email system developed by Google.
What is gmail?
First portable game system.
What is the Game Boy?
Google Chrome is an example of this.
What is an Internet browser?
The cofounder of Microsoft.
Who is Bill Gates?
The British built this computer to decode German war messages.
What is the Colossus computer?
What is Social Media?
Using images instead of commands to make a computer work.
What is the Graphic User Interface (GUI)?
This 1977 computer had a built-in monitor.
What is the Apple II?
He invented the World Wide Web.
Who is Tim Berners-Lee?
Apple debuted this PC in 1984.
What is the Macintosh?
The primary operating system for IBM PCs and their clones.
What is MS-DOS?
A barcode created in 1994 that contains fast access to data.
What is a QR code?
A game system that released its first version in 1995.
What is the Sony Play Station?
What is the Intel 4004?
A network of computers that linked colleges and universities in the late 1960s.
What is ARPAnet?
The first computer commercially produced.
What is the Altair 8800?
A part of computers in the 1940s and 1950s that used a lot of energy.
What are vacuum tubes?
The founder of Amazon.
Who is Jeff Bezos?
A memory storage device released in 2000.
What is a USB Flash Drive?