When is the anticipated delivery of Appointment Tracking Capability Improvement?
Q4 2024
What are the objectives for the Strategic Pillar "Data Parity and Dialysis Care Team Collaboration"?
To decrease requests for access to CWOW and maintain platform synchronization with CWOW.
What are the capabilities associated with the goal, "Home Growth"?
Supply Ordering and Well-Being Assessment.
When are the following Data Enablements (Interop) expected to be implemented?
•Neph Visit Frequency
•Data exposure to IKC and non-IKC partners
•OV and P360 data optimization
Q4 2024
What is the objective of Product Operations?
User satisfaction, performance, reliability and support.
What are the key points associated with CKD: Prepare?
Telehealth, Nutrition Tools, Education and Modality Selection Tools.
What is the Quality TCOC SteerCo associated with Planned Delivery in Q2 of 2024?
Support PHQ-9 Score Improvement process to reduce manual effort.
What are the objectives for the Strategic Pillar, "OneView Outreach"?
Mature clinical study marketing outreach offering through more customers and engagements, and to demonstrate a growing audience that values clinical study opportunities.
What Goal is the Geofencing Alert Test associated with?
What are the IKC Metrics for the SubCo, "TCOC"?
•Discharge to 1st RN Contact
•Cerner Admit Rate
•Anthem ED Capture
•2 Day Follow-up
•2 Day Follow-up(Ant ED)
•Days 2 Day to Next Contact
•Post Discharge Med Review
•Patients with GFR
•CKD Pts with CarePlan
•Patients UTR
What is the Village opportunity for the Value Driver, Clinical Quality?
Access Management (CVC): $1.6M/Year
What are the key points associated with ESKD: Home?
Telehealth, Nutrition Tools, Education, Insurance Card Upload, Labs, Home Treatment Records, Messages + Photos, and Virtual Support Groups
What SubCo is associated with the following IKC Metrics?:
•CKD Pt Neph Visits
•New Pts Case Creation
•RN Attempted/ Completed Contacts
•CDD %
•AND %
Operations Excellence
What are the Values for Strategic Pillar, "Efficient OneView Support Team"?
Customer Satisfaction and Adopton
What capabilities are associated with the goal, "Activation"
Instacart Health, Food and Facts, Grocery List, Text Class Reminders, WH 2.0 Integration, SDoH Program Search, Labs 2.0, Find my Diet/AI, Badging/Gamification