Convert 240 hours to days. (Ans: 10)
240 hours * (day) / (hours)
Hint: how many hours are in a day?
Convert 32 quarts to gallons. (Ans: 8)
32 qt * (gal)/(qt)
Hint: how many quarts are in a gallon?
Convert 636 inches to feet. (Ans: 53)
636 INCHES * (ft)/(INCHES)
Hint: how many inches are in a foot?
Convert 3.6 pounds to ounces. (Ans: 57.6)
3.6 pounds * (ounce)/(pound)
Hint: how many ounces are in a pound?
Convert 588 eggs to dozens. (Ans: 49)
588 eggs * (dozen)/(eggs)
Hint: how many eggs are in 1 dozen?
Convert 876 seconds to minutes. (Ans: 14.6)
876 sec * (x)/(y)
Hint: Seconds should cancel.
Convert 68 tbsp to cups. (Ans: 4.25)
68 tbsp * (x)/(y)
Hint: tbsp should cancel.
Convert 422 cm to inches. (Ans: 166)
422 cm * (x)/(y)
Hint: cm should cancel.
Convert 1527 pounds to tons. (Ans: 0.76)
1527 lbs * (x)/(y)
Hint: pounds should cancel.
Convert 346 years to centuries. (Ans: 3.46)
346 years * (x)/(y)
Hint: how many years are in a century?
Convert 985 minutes to days. 2 conversions. (Ans: 0.68)
Hint: convert minutes to hours first.
Convert 2.3 L to drops. 2 conversions. (Ans: 46,000)
Hint: L should cancel first.
Convert 4.7 yards to inches. 2 conversions. (169.2)
Hint: yards should cancel first.
Convert 347 ounces to kg. 2 conversions. (Ans: 9.86)
Hint: ounces should cancel first.
Convert 4.9 kg to ounces. 2 conversions. (Ans: 172)
Hint: kg should cancel out.
Convert 3 decades to weeks. (Ans: 1,560)
Hint: years should be part of a conversion factor.
Convert 72 cups to quarts. (Ans: 18)
Hint: pints should be part of a conversion factor.
Convert 3,636 m to miles. (Ans: 2.26)
Hint: km should be part of a conversion factor.
Convert 5.4 pounds to grams. (Ans: 2,454)
Hint: kg should be part of a conversion factor.
Convert 3.1 miles to meters. (Ans: 4,992)
Hint: km should be part of a conversion factor.
Convert 1.5 years to hours. (Ans: 13,104)
Hint: convert years to weeks first.
Convert 2.65 liters to pints. (Ans: 5.59)
Hint: convert to gallons first.
Convert 3 km to yards. (Ans: 3278.9)
Hint: convert to miles first.
Convert 67,000 grams to tons. (Ans: 0.074)
Hint: convert to kg first.
Convert 0.74 cm3 to drops.
Hint: convert to mL first.