The person who takes your order and serves your food is called a _______?
What is Waiter or Waitress
What is It’s nice to eat at a ___________________ restaurant, but that can be expensive
Fancy or 5-Star
What is How would you like your eggs cooked?
Over Easy
Sunny-side Up
Over Medium
What is An entry-level position at a restaurant that requires greeting customers, seating them, managing wait times, taking reservations, and much more.
What is If the food and service is good and appropriate, people usually leave a ____% tip.
15% or 20%
What is A __________________ or a ___________________ is often served alongside the main meal
Salad or Soup
What is Is there anything else I can get for you?
No, thank you, just the bill please.
Yes, please, I need....
What is This is an entry-level position where they clean and set tables, and restock plates, silverware, and cups.
What is How do you take your coffee?
with cream
with sugar
What is People usually leave a _____________ after a meal.
What is At lunch or dinner sometimes people order a snack before the meal called an ________________________.
What is Sunday, people like to sleep in, so instead of having breakfast, they eat a meal between breakfast and lunch called ______________________.
What is Other restaurants have a ___________________ where you can order a drink while you are waiting for your table.
What is At the end of your meal, the waiter asks, "Is this going to be altogether or separate checks?"
Separate, please.
Altogether, please.
What is Around noon people have their midday meal, or _____________________.
What is If you are eating on a budget, what are some things you can do to help you not spend too much?
Look at the menu online before going
Figure your tax and tip ahead of time
Look over the A La Carte Items
Stick to your budget!
What is Sometimes, if you are short on time or short on money, you might go to a ______________________ restaurant because the food is cheaper and served faster
What is The person who makes your food at the Restaurant?
Chef or Cook
What is Are you ready to order?
No, can you come back?
No, please give me a few more minutes
Yes, I am ready