People & Names 1
People & names 2
Lesson Themes 1
Lesson Themes 2

Two sisters that hosted Jesus for dinner - one hurried around serving and the other just sat at Jesus' feet listening.

Who are Martha and Mary


Many considered him one of the lead disciples following Jesus.  Jesus encouraged and forgave him on the beach in Galilee asking “______ do you love me?"

Who is Simon Peter.


All the lessons we’ve learned involve Jesus’ lessons while at the _________.

What is the table?


The invited in this parable did not accept – full of excuses – so the invitation to the feast was extended to anyone willing to come. Theme:  ______ the invitation is the most important thing you can do.

What is ‘Acceptance of HIS invitation?


Jesus had dinner with Mathew and other sinners – he was criticized for that as sinners were not good enough.  Jesus’ invitation tells us we don’t have to _______ a place at his table with Him.

What is “Earn” “be good enough”?


He decided to follow Jesus - leaving his work - and Jesus had dinner with him and his friends that night.  People asked "why does Jesus have dinner with sinners?

Who is Matthew


In this parable, this person decided to have a wedding feast and invite the Jews.  But all had an excuse not to come. Frustrated he invited the sick, lame & sinners. 

Who is the Father, King or Jesus?


This is the town where a man climbed a tree to see Jesus and was immediately invited to dine with him.

What is the town of Jericho?


This was what Peter received from Jesus following their beach breakfast.

What is forgiveness?


Martha wanted to be the hostess with the mostest, but her activities became _________ which took her attention away from Jesus.  We need to just relax, slow down and spend time with Jesus.

what are distractions?


They hosted Jesus and when a sinful woman arrived, they thought “if he knew who was touching him,” Jesus would tell her to leave.

Who are the Pharisees?


At the wedding in Cana, she brought the problem of no wine to Jesus and told the servants to “do what he tells you.”

Who is Mary - Jesus' mother.


Jesus conducted most of his ministry and had dinner with many people in the area of Galilee and the Religious Center and where the temple...the city of ______.

What is Jerusalem?


We all feel terrible when we do something wrong or treat someone poorly (when we sin).  But Jesus doesn’t yell at us, he asks the question ___________?

What is the question - "do you love me"?


Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but not get to close…so he watched from a far – he climbed a tree. 

Like him, many people are scared to come to church for the 1st time because the don’t feel ______.

What is feeling “Good Enough”, or “worthy enough”? They say “I’ll clean up and then find out about Jesus


He cried out to Jesus on the road to Jericho asking to be healed.  Jesus healed him and he followed. (the ______ man)

Who is the blind man (or name if said)?


He climbed a tree to see Jesus and Jesus invited him to lunch at this man’s place?

Who is Zaccheus?


There are numerous reasons eating dinner with someone is important.  Its a time to gather and share your day for example.  _____________ and _________ are two other things having dinner together tells a person (PS:  there are numerous answers - just name 2) 

What is relaxing, developing a relationship, being told you are welcome, being told you are important?


She came in uninvited and went right to Jesus’ feet. She tells us Jesus accepts all, AND we must be ______ and/or _______ when going to Jesus? (adjectives) 

What is being ‘bold’ or ‘humble’?


After being fed free food, everyone followed Jesus and hoped he’d become King.  In a way, we do the same thing.  We asked the question:  What do I _______ from Jesus?

What is "Want"?


At the wedding in Cana, this was the person the wine was taken to to taste and make sure it was OK.  He is called the "___________ of the banquet." 

What is master of the banquet


They are the group who wrote and sings our theme song for this series each week – “Come to the Table.”

Who are the Sidewalk Prophets'?


This was the town where the wedding was that Jesus turned water into wine.

What is the town of Cana?


Jesus showed in the miracle of water to wine that he cares about our smallest problems in everyday life. His first miracle was healing a persons _________.

What is healing ‘embarrassment’ & feelings?


The Pharisee’s intently watched Jesus at dinner, but Jesus immediately saw a man hurting from body swelling. Jesus wants us to ________ the things he _______.

What is the word "Notice"
