What tool is like a dictionary that we use to find information to provide to customers?
Knowledge Management or CCKM
What are the names of the two types of tv services that you will be helping customers with?
Directv Satellite & directv stream/ directv via internet.
What does the acronym CARES stand for?
C- Customer connection
A - Be Accountable
R - Research & discovery
E - Be the expert
S - Summarize
How long should you place a customer on hold?
1 minute 30 seconds or 90 seconds
When using knowledge management what should you always do when searching for information?
Be specific
What is the name of the article you can use to compare the difference between Directv satellite & Directv via Internet?
DIRECTV’s Video Services Overview
What is Average Handle Time (AHT)?
Average time agents support each customer.
what is the difference between blind (cold) transfer and a warm transfer?
Blind (cold) transfer - Transfering the caller without introducing them to the next agent and warm transfer is when you introduce both the agent and the customer.
If a customer calls in and wants to know if a channel is in a particular package. What tool can we use view that information?
Channels and Packages Tool – Residential aka Channel line up.
What is concurrent streaming?
Concurrent streams mean you can create a certain number of streams at the same time.
What is the score for a promoter (VS)?
1 and/2
If the hold time exceeds 2 minutes when transferring a customer what must you do?
Explain to the customer that you cannot remain on the line and the next agent can assist them.
What tool can be used to send customers emails about self - help options?
Solution Sender Tool
If a customer wants to get more information about Directv, where can you direct them to get more information?
How do customers get surveys from DirecTV?
Text message
What should you do if you have a ghost call?
what is the link center in Knowledge management used for?
Use to locate different tools.
What is conus used for?
CONUS (Continental US) transmission is used to transmit signals to the entire continental United States and Mexico.
Why do we use Metrics?
Metrics help determine overall performance of a workgroup and individuals. DIRECTV produces a scorecard and uses Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
If a customer did not authenticate their account and the call dropped should you call back the customer?
No ( We only call back customers when the account is authenticated.