True or False
Disability Culture
Psych Aspects Of Physical Disabilities
Disability Rights History
People with disabilities can vote, thanks to the protections provided in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
What is True?
Self-regulating behaviors Autistic people use to cope with sensory under/overload? Examples of these behaviors include hand-flapping, rocking, humming or singing, repeating words, biting or chewing on things, jumping, and many more.
What is Stimming?
Everyone knows about Service Dogs, but the ADA recognizes these animals as an officially capable and protected service animal.
What are Miniature horses?

A psychological milestone, that includes “developing a sense of trust in others and a sense of autonomy” which has an impact on disability, is relevant in disability affecting:


This president is famous for passing the Social Security act and being re-elected for an unprecedented four terms. He was a polio survivor who was rather self-conscious of his wheelchair, and often went to great lengths to hide it.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
All Deaf people can read lips.
What is False? Actually, less than 30% of Deaf people can read lips, and not all are fluent in ASL. You should never make assumptions; ask how someone prefers to communicate.
An approach to learning and disability that says "all kinds of minds" are the result of natural variations in human genes. It includes people with all types of neurological or psychological differences, from Autism & ADHD to memory disorders and mental illnesses, as being an important and natural part of human identity and diversity.
The idea that laws and programs designed to help vulnerable groups, such as People with Disabilities or People of Color, often end up benefiting all of society.
What is "The Curb Cut Effect"?

What is the term which is described as "the loss or abnormality of psychological, physical or anatomical structure or function at the system or organ level that may or may not be permanent."


This 1990's act provided comprehensive civil rights protection for people with disabilities.
What is The Americans with Disabilities Act?
People who have a physical disability can play professional sports.
What is True? Troy Aikman (NFL) and Mia Hamm (Professional US Women's Soccer) were both born with Club Foot; California Angels Pitcher Jim Abbott was born without a right hand
True or false: Neurodiversity does not include people with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).
What is False? Although TBI does not come from one's genes, people with TBI have many common experiences and similarities to Autistic people, people with OCD, and many others under the neurodiverse umbrella. Our similarities are more important than our differences.
A way of thinking about Disabilities that offers ways for people with different disabilities to pursue their own, as well as shared goals. This Community Value centers self-love and self-awareness, and celebrates the ways that our Disabilities are visible, and how they shape our Human Experience.
What is "Disability Culture"?

What is the coping strategy where an individual learns to counteract functional limitations in one area by becoming stronger or more proficient in another:


On March 12, 1990, more than 1000 Disability Rights Activists from 30 States gathered at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. to protest the delays in the passing of the ADA.
What is The Capitol Crawl? After a rally, almost 100 advocates, from young children to the elderly, abandoned their wheelchairs and mobility aids to crawl up the 83 stone steps to the U.S. Capitol Building chanting, "What do we want?" "ADA!" "When do we want it?" "NOW!"
It is okay to touch or move someone's mobility aid without asking their permission first.
What is False? Always treat a person's mobility aid as an extension of their body. Do not touch or move it without the owner's clear consent.
Many ND folks have a favorite subject or area of great expertise that they love to learn and talk about, and may even collect things related to that subject. What are these called?
Special Interests (or a Hyperfixation)
Large Print books; ramps and elevators; captions for spoken audio; modified equipment or seating; access to a Quiet Room; trigger warnings; mobility aids; and taking more frequent breaks are all examples of _________________?
What are reasonable accommodations?

PV2 Snuffy suffered a myocardial infarction two months ago and his doctor recommended he change his diet and stop smoking because he is at high risk for another heart attack. Once he was released from the hospital, he immediately began to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and resumed his high fat diet. He has continually disregarded the medical recommendations and recently he said, “I won’t have another heart attack. The doctor is just trying to scare me.”

What coping behavior is SGT Williams exhibiting?


These laws allowed police to arrest and jail people with "apparent" disabilities for no reason other than being disfigured or demonstrating some type of disability.
What are "Ugly Laws"? From the late 1860s until the 1970s, several American cities had Ugly Laws that deemed it illegal for persons who were "unsightly" or "unseemly" to appear in public.
People who are blind don't watch TV.
What is False? Blind people enjoy entertainment like anyone else, but they make require accommodations like Audio Descriptions to enjoy TV and movies to the fullest.
This symbol represents neurodiversity.
What is a rainbow infinity symbol? Many Autistic people prefer this instead of the puzzle piece.
Model for studying and thinking about Disability that says that disability is caused by the way society is organized, not by a person's individual difference or impairment. It looks at ways of removing barriers that restrict life for Disabled People.
What is the Social Model of Disability?

What are the most common emotional reactions to disability?


Fear and Anxiety




Which term is the (pseudo)science of improving the human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. This especially applied to the sterilization and institutionalization of the physically and mentally disabled?