What does FEMA stand for?
Federal Emergency Management Agency
This federal agency, created in 1979, oversees disaster response and hazard mitigation planning in the U.S.
Why have flood prone communities incorporated a National Flood Insurance Program?
Land Use Requirements or Past Disasters
"What does it take to save a neighborhood?"
To do inclusion right you have to do what?
What is take your time
This framework outlines seven global targets to be achieved between 2015 and 2030.
What is the Sendai Framework?
This German Chancellor said the world had to be "faster in the battle against climate change" after the devastating floods in July 2021.
Who is Angela Merkel?
What does BRIC stand for?
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities
PERUSALL: Stults, Missy. 2017. “Integrating Climate Change into Hazard Mitigation Planning: Opportunities and Examples in Practice.” Climate Risk Management
This state passed Senate Bill 379, requiring municipalities to consider climate change when drafting hazard mitigation plans.
What is California?
In the "What does it take to save a neighborhood?" article Tran distinguishes between two types of planning, what are they?
Technical Planning, Social Planning
Schwab, James C. 2010. PAS REPORT: Hazard Mitigation: Integrating Best Practices into Planning.
Who typically manages the post-disaster environment?
What is emergency management?
Who created the idea for the East River Park in Manhattan
Robert Moses
What does LHMP stand for?
Local Hazard Mitigation Plans
It’s Not Just Climate: Are We Ignoring Other Causes of Disasters?
The name of the tropical wetland in South America that experienced devastating fires in 2020.
What is the Pantanal?
Schwab, James C. 2010. PAS REPORT: Hazard Mitigation: Integrating Best Practices into Planning
What are three key tools to hazard mitigation?
What is building codes, zoning, and land use planning
What is the most important thing a planner can do in implementing hazard mitigation into the planning process?
What is how hazard mitigation relates to other plans
The estimated percentage of Europe's former wetland sponges that have lost their capacity to absorb water. (Closer team wins)
What is 90%?
What does HMGP stand for?
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
This program, created under the Stafford Act, provides funding for mitigation measures following a major disaster declaration.
It’s Not Just Climate: Are We Ignoring Other Causes of Disasters?
This African country faced a food crisis in 2021 that was initially blamed on climate change but was later found to be primarily due to poverty and poor infrastructure.
What is Madagascar?
"What does it take to save a neighborhood?"
This word is used to describe how we think about progress today.
What is Incrementalism?
What is a key challenge to planners in integrating hazard mitigation into planning processes?
What is establishing common causes of hazards?
The approximate percentage of shrinkage Lake Chad experienced by the end of the 20th century. (Closer Team Wins)
What is 95%?
This 2000 act requires states and localities to prepare multi-hazard mitigation plans as a precondition for receiving federal mitigation grants.
Disaster Mitigation Act
It’s Not Just Climate: Are We Ignoring Other Causes of Disasters?
The river in Germany that flooded in July 2021, leading to over 220 deaths.
What is the Kyll River?
What was the example shown as a solution for "a crisis simply too big and fast moving for the snail’s pace of participatory democracy"
The Dutch have resolved this conflict on the side of expertise
In response, officials undertook the Delta Works, a massive nationwide system of levees, sluices, dikes, dams and sea gates.
In the Netherlands, citizens give up a measure of autonomy in return for safety. Prevention is the priority there.
It’s Not Just Climate: Are We Ignoring Other Causes of Disasters?
The proposed solution to refill Lake Chad, which ironically bypasses the irrigation projects causing its depletion.
What is diverting water from the Congo River?
The total number of indicators identified to measure global progress in the Sendai Framework's implementation. (Closer team wins)
What is 38?