Definition of pandemic
a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time.
A catastrophe that happens at the end of the world
When the hydrogen runs out and our yellow dwarf will begin to swell.
Definition of genocide
Eliminating a group of people
Definition of dying Earth
The end of life on Earth or the end of time,
When an asteroid hits the earth
Definition of alien invasion
Extraterrestrial lifeforms invade Earth
Definition of Black hole
When a star collapses and implodes on itself.
Definition of new ice age
A new ice age caused by recent global weather events
Definition of germ warfare
A form of warfare that uses toxins or infectious diseases to fight the enemy
Definition of fertility
Definition of expanding universe
Dark matter and dark energy cause the universe to expand exponentially
Definition of environmental catastrophe
Something really bad that happens to the environment because of humans
Definition of Loss of renewable resources
When we use up all of resources like coal and oil
Definition of Man supplanted by machine
A job done by man that now a machine can do.