What acronym or shorthand do we use for "Personalization"?
What was our team(BE & FE) called before it was renamed LR Discovery?
LR Content (BE) & Browse (FE)
This project got a shoutout in Made On and Earnings Call in 2024!
Imersive Channel Previews
2 (!!) people in our team have unique first AND last names across Google. Who are they?
Zrinka Puljiz & Purag Moumdjian
What is the first video posted on YouTube?
Me at the zoo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw) on April 23, 2005
This acronym is a metric that measures the number of users who use YouTube in a given day
DAU (Daily Active Users)
What year did we hit 1 BILLION hours of daily watch time?
This project removed shelves from Watch Next
Who has been in YT Living Room the longest?
Yiwen and Bruno (tied)! Hao is a close second - joined a week later
What year did Google acquire YouTube?
This is a survey we run in-produdct to measure a user's satisfaction and attitudes
HaTS (Happiness Tracking Survey)
What is the first device that Cobalt (our web browser that supports Kabuki) launched on?
This is the 2021 project that is the YT-wide effort to move the frontend out of python into C++
Outertube/ YTFExit
This person(s) has moved teams within Living Room the most # of times
Bruno (Core, Browse, Platform, App Infra, Discovery FE) & Jamie (Discovery BE, Discovery FE, Tectonic, Performance, back to Discovery BE)
This is the last year that YouTube Rewind was posted
This is the acronym for the code yellow project we just exited out of
STFC60 (Sessions to First Crash in 60 mins)
What was Kabuki (our YTLR app) written in before Bedrock (our JS client)?
This is the API that pre-app made for 3rd party recommendations
This person got married in 3 different continents
This "holiday" shares the same date as when YouTube was founded
This is the API we use to access YouTube data in Kansas, Spanner, etc
UDS (User Data Service)
What is the name of the first YouTube Living Room app? (This is pre-2010!)
YouTube XL
This is the 2019 project that changed how we generate shelves - and we still use this system today!
Lazy Recs
This person has a degree in Spanish
How many CEOs has YouTube had?
4 (Chad Hurley, Salar Kamangar, Susan Wojcicki, Neal Mohan)