Name That Country
International Foods
Random Stuff
Bible Stuff
20% of international students in America study Business and Management, while another 20% study _______.
What is "Engineering"?
This "country" is one of the top 3 destinations where international students come to study in the US. (Hint: The state mammal is the armadillo! Hint, this isn't actually a country either!)
What is Texas?
Almost every culture has a type of this food as part of their cuisine. It is a D_ _ _ _ _ _ _.
What is a "Dumpling"?
This is the color of Sevo's socks.
What is "_______Whatever color they are today ____"?
Surprise! Daily Octuple!! This Question is worth 800 points. When Jesus cleared the temple courts (the outer court), knocking over tables and kicking out animals, he was making room for "___________."
Who are "Gentiles" or "the nations?" Jesus cleared the temple courts to make way for the nations to have access to God!
True or false: About 75% of international students never enter an American family's home during their time in the States.
What is "true"?
This country hosts the most US students studying abroad. At one point in history, this nation controlled 20% of the world's surface area and a quarter of the world's population.
What is the UK?
Injera, is a spongy flatbread from ______. It is usually topped with several delicious variations of "wat." We may or may not be eating it tonight!
What is "Ethiopia"?
Kristin hates three things with a passion. You can have 200 points for each of the three that you guess correctly.
What are "spiders, people puking, and feet?"
God told Abraham He would bless _____ (how many?) nations through him.
What is "all?"
True or False: More than 60% of international students come from 10/40 Window Countries
What is "true"?
84% of international students from this country are studying STEM subjects. This country is also home to the largest number of vegetarians in the world.
What is India?
This slimy, stringy delicacy is made from soy beans. It has a potent smell and flavor.
What is natto? From Japan!
This animal is one of the main reason that you can't go tent camping in Vietnam. Hint: it is not tiny.
What are "elephants?" Elephants aren't afraid to crush a tent full of campers under foot, especially if they get spooked.
This psalm contains the verse "let the nations be glad and sing for joy....."
What is "Psalm 67?"
True or false: Only a small percentage of the world's 220 Heads of State have studied in the US.
What is "false"? 40% of the world's Heads of State have studied in the US.
This is the country of origin for one-third of the international students studying in the US. There are also 32 million more males than females living in this country.
What is China?
If you really think about it, the "_ A _ _ _ R _ _ E" is one of the only the true American dishes.
What is a "CASSEROLE"? Fast, simple, and lots of tater tots and cheese. Ew!
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ‎ means _________ in English. Hint - The english transliteration is As-salāmu ʿalaykum.
What is "Peace be upon you?" 100 points if you at least got "hi" or "a greeting?"
Surprise! Extrabiblical stuff: This apostle is said to have become a super legit missionary to India.
Who is "Thomas?"
About ____% of international students are reached by campus ministries or churches while in the United states.
What is "10%"?
This country saw the highest growth in international students sent to the US in the last year (up 18% from the year before). It is currently year 2074 in this country, in the month of Falgun.
What is Nepal?
Often mispronounced, this wonderful food does not rhyme with "toe." Instead it rhymes with "duh."
What is "Pho?"
____ percentage of the people in this room got 8 hours of sleep last night.
What is "____what ever percentage is true___"? If you are within 10 percent high or low you get the points!
In the great commission in Matt 28:18 where Jesus says, "Go, and make disciples of all nations." The phrase "of all nations" in Greek is __________.
What is "panta ta ethne?" If you read "Let the Nations Be Glad" by John Piper you will learn about this, and much, much more. More than 500 points worth of knowledge in that book.