For Galen, this played no unifying role for the unity of life processes but was rather another vehicle carrying and nourishing cargo out to the certain organs. (Hint: It is not the pneuma. Don't overthink it is a really simple answer!)
What is blood?
Suprise you get 200 points!!!!
Suprise you get 200 points!!!!
In Chapter 49, this person found out the mystery of the human lungs by dissecting frogs. He boasted in a letter to Giovanni Borelli that he almost killed a whole species of frogs in an effort to find the truth of the functioning of the lungs and blood vessels.
Marcello Malpighi
Solve the riddle: David’s parents have three sons: Snap, Crackle, and what’s the name of the third son?
Most of the bodies that were legally dissected were __________.
Nourished by the pneuma, physicians said that this was the hottest organ in the body and was cooled by the lungs.
What is the heart?
The first European to land in North America
Who was Leif Erikson?
In Chapter 49, this person is said to have discovered capillaries.
Who is Marcello Malpighi?
Solve this Rebus Puzzle to get 200 points!!!
In Between Jobs
A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to tissues and organs in the body.
What is an Artery?
This war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861. The war ended in Spring, 1865. Robert E. Lee surrendered the last major Confederate army to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865.
What was the Civil War?
This person said the following:
"...Truly, Harvey, you are pursuing a fact that cannot be investigated, a thing which is incalculable, inexplicable, unknowable."
Who is Professor Casper Hofmann
Solve this problem:
If 1=3
Then, 6=?
3, because ‘six’ has three letters!
This person dissected more than 30 cadavers during his lifetime and most of these dissections were illegal. He discovered so much information about the human body but never published his work because his talents mainly dwelled in the artistic field.
Who was Leonardo da Vinci?
In philosophy, this is considered vital spirit, soul, or creative force of a person
What is pneuma?
In this state the Declaration of Independence signed.
This person married the daughter of the doctor who had been the physician of Queen Elizabeth. He became a Fellow of the College of Physicians and acquired a prosperous, aristocratic medical practice. He is best known as the first person to correctly describe blood's circulation in the body.
Who is William Harvey?
Solve this Rebus Puzzle to get 400 points!!!!
Space Invaders
Name four scientist we have talked about this semester to gain 400 points
Name four scientist we have talked about this semester to gain 400 points
The medical college in Europe where Andrea Vesalio, Nicolaus Copernicus, William Harvey, Galileo, and many other prominent people attended.
What is Padua?
For her work on the Underground Railroad, this nickname was given to Harriett Tubman:
(Choose one of the following)
`St. Joan
Who is Galileo?
Surprise! Congrats you get a hint for any of the questions for 400!!!
Surprise! Congrats you get a hint for any of the questions for 400!!!
Where was Nicolaus Copernicus born?
Northern Poland