Let There Be Light
Did You Hear That?
Big vs Small
Everyday Use
Anything Goes

This man is credited with inventing the first light bulb.

Who is Thomas Edison?


The invention of this important device has saved many lives by alerting people to smoke or fire in their house.

What is a smoke detector?


These creatures, both very large and very small,  roamed the earth far before man did; their fossils are found everywhere.

What are dinosaurs?


This early discovery made it possible for people to stay warm, to see in the dark, and to cook food.

What is fire?


This tiny light is very helpful when you need to get up at night and make your way to the bathroom.

What is a nightlight?


This invention makes it much easier for you to see when you wear them on bright sunny days.

What are sunglasses?


Because of the invention of this modern tool, people can talk to one another from almost anywhere without wires- from their cars, inside stores, or on the beach!

What is the cell phone?


This invention made it possible for people to travel from one country to another through the sky, much faster than on a steamship.

What is the airplane?


The discovery of this type of medicine has saved thousands of lives from such things as the measles, chicken pox, and Covid-19.

What are vaccines?


As people ventured out and discovered new parts of the world, they drew these pictures and directions onto paper for everyone to use.

What are maps?


Legend has it that this man discovered electricity when he tied a key to the end of his kite string during a thunderstorm.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


Another important life-saving invention is this loud ringing sound. When you hear it you know that it is time to exit the building as quickly and safely as possible.

What is a Fire Alarm?


The invention of this tool helps us keep these small rodents from living in our houses and pantries.

What is a mousetrap?


This invention is in most modern households and allows us to keep a supply of fresh food cold and safe to eat.

What is a refrigerator?


Whether you are near-sighted or far-sighted, this invention helps you see clearly!

What are eyeglasses?


This household tool is necessary for those times when you need to see into dark places to fix something, or if the electricity goes out in a storm.

What is a flashlight?


Invented in China during the second century, these make a really loud BOOM sound as they light up the sky with colorful sparks of light.

What are fireworks?


The invention of this has allowed people from all over the world to access information in an instant through their computers.

What is the internet?


If this round tool hadn't been invented in 4000 BC, we wouldn't be able to now have wagons, trains, cars, or busses to drive us around to places.

What is the wheel?


The invention of this electronic wonder has provided entertainment and information to people across the world, and has enabled people to share ideas, events, and knowledge through pictures and sounds. 

What is motion pictures / movies / television?


This invention uses the strong light of the sun to create electricity for homes and businesses to use.

What is solar power?


It's a good thing someone invented the black and white keys for this musical instrument, otherwise Billy Joel's famous song would have been called Guitar Man, or Drum Man.

What is the piano?


The invention of this small, strong piece of metal sure made a big difference in how houses are built today- it's a good thing that the hammer was invented, too!

What are nails?


The scientific discovery of this medicine (observed from mold growing in a petri dish) led to the future development of many life-saving antibiotics.

What is penicillin?


Galileo Galilei helped to develop this important tool which led to many discoveries of the planets and the night sky.

What is the telescope?
