Job Interview Skills
In order to get to know someone new, one of the first things I can do is to
What is "Start a conversation about something you see or that I might have in common with the new person."?
In order to keep the conversation going, it is a good idea to do this:
What is "Ask follow-up questions to OTHERS; these questions start with "WH", such as what, where, when why"?
Ideally, I need to start thinking about career exploration at this age:
What is "14 years of age."?
It is a good idea to do this prior to a job interview:
What is "Research the position: Job duties, skills, what does the company do"?
I raise my hand in class when I want to speak or interject. This is an example of this type of behavior:
What is "Expected behavior."
After I introduce myself to someone new, and we have an opportunity for conversation, I can ask and tell about the following safe categories:
What is "School, age, interests, family, place they live or work."
One good way for me to know when I'm talking to much is this:
What is "Look at people's faces; if they seem bored, I need to stop talking, ask whether they want to hear more or ask a question about them."?
These are some helpful events that I should consider attending in order to explore careers:
What is "Career fairs, job tours."?
Usually employers ask questions about the person they're interviewing. It is a good idea to rehearse a 1 minute commercial about this person:
What is "Yourself."?
I constantly interrupt others while they're speaking. I don't even notice whether this makes them frustrated or mad. This is an example of this type of behavior:
What is "Unexpected behavior."
Positive attention involves these:
What is "doing or saying things that others like."?
Looking at the other person during a conversation is the polite thing to do. This gesture is known as giving this:
What is "Eye contact."?
This activity involves a student spending some time with a person who does a job that the young person has some interest in:
What is "Job Shadowing."?
Arriving on time to a job interview is critical to make a good first impression. Here is something I can do to make sure I arrive on time:
What is "Rehearse how to get there. Take a practice drive to the building a day before the interview."?
The first thing I need to do in order to figure out how someone else is feeling is this:
What is "Look at their facial expression."?
Negative attention involves this
What is "doing or saying things that make others annoyed or upset with you."?
This is how far away I need to be from others when I'm having a conversation:
What is "An arm's length away."?
This activity is more formal; long-term activity (working part-time in an employment setting each week for a semester or a school year).
What is "An internship."?
This is the rule of thumb related to the dress code for an interview:
What is "Dress one step above what might be expected."?
Respecting others' space means:
What is "Keeping some physical distance from them—stay about an arm’s length away, unless invited to come closer."?
If I do all the talking, this is NOT a conversation, it is most likely this:
What is "A lecture or monologue."
These centers provide several employment related services, including career counseling, job listings, referrals to job training programs:
What is "One Stop Career Centers." URL:
This type of non-verbal behavior is crucial for a successful job interview:
What is "Grooming: Are you showered, hair washed and neat, shaved-if a man, right amount of make-up if a woman?"
The ability to understand others' feelings and emotions. Responding appropriately to their feelings-demonstrating caring compassion; putting yourself in someone else's shoes---this skill is called:
What is "empathy?"