How many times per second do the DelFly's wings beat?
17 times per second
Name one of the two things that would happen to humans if our pollinators went extinct?
We would die of lack of food and oxygen eventually
How long will the DelFly actually take to develop before it becomes public?
5-10 years
How many eggs does a Queen Bee usually lay in a day?
How many times bigger than a fruit fly is the DelFly Nimble?
55 times bigger
What is the wingspan of the DelFly?
In what part of the university is the DelFly being developed?
The Robohouse
At what university is this prototype being developed?
Delft University of Technology
What creature is the DelFly created to replicate?
A bee
What percentage of our wild plants thrive due to cross-pollination?
How many miles per hour can the DelFly go?
15 mph
In what country is the DelFly being developed in?
The Neatherlands
How many miles can the DelFly go on for on a single battery charge?
0.6 miles
Who was the creator of the DelFly?
Matěj Karáse
Name one of the two things that are killing our natural pollinators?
Harmful Pesticides or Climate Change