Your Discussion
Lesson Planning

Participants are asked to provide 3 statements about themselves, with one of those statements being an untruth.

What is Two Truths and a Lie?


With your discussion section, this is the list of behaviors and expectations you develop together to guide how individuals will interact and treat one another.

What is a Community Agreement? 


This is a federal law that prohibits the sharing of educational records without permission of the individual student, but does not include directory information.

What is FERPA?


This is the amount of time your discussion section is scheduled for each week.

What is 50 minutes?


This solution to to a lack of participation allows a student to first self-reflect, then to talk to a peer one on one, before bringing what they discussed to the larger group.

What is Think-Pair-Share?


Students go around the room looking for other students who have experienced one of the things on a sheet of paper.

What is the Human Bingo?


The ANTrepreneur Center and the Division of Career Pathways are two examples of resources to help students with exploring this.

What are careers?


This collection of DLs, led by a coordinator, work together throughout the year on lesson plans and more importantly friendly competition throughout each quarter.

What is a Family Group?


This element of your lesson plan helps students know what you'll be doing that day in discussion.

What is the agenda?


The students are not speaking in discussion, (or I have one student talking too much) and I tried this solution.

What is calling on students by name?

(also acceptable, what is pairing them or putting them in smaller groups)


Students introduce themselves by their name and adding an adjective that describes them. The adjective must start with the same letter as the first letter of their name.

What is Adjective Name Game?

(also acceptable, Adjective Alliteration)


The Counseling Center, ARC, and CARE are examples of resources to help students with this.

What is personal wellness?


This is the name for the visual word puzzles used in our weekly family competition.

What are Rebus Puzzles?


This is an activity you can use to help your students interact and get to know each other.

What is the Icebreaker?


This challenge is a phenomenon when there are chairs that should have students sitting in them, but the chairs are empty.

What is students not attending discussions?


The facilitator passes a roll of toilet paper around the room, telling everyone to “tear off as much as you need.” Once everyone has torn off a sheet or two or ten, the facilitator announces that for each square they’ve taken, they must share something about themselves.  

What is Take what you need?


The LARC, CEWC, DSC, and Libraries are examples of resources to help students with this.

What is academic success?


Homesickness, laundry, cooking meals/getting meals, making new friends and connections, etc. are just a handful of examples of this topic.

What are first-year transition issues?


Other than the Icebreaker, these elements make up a typical weekly lesson plan.

What is the Presentation, Interactive Activity, and Debrief (or Q&A)?


I keep planning lots of things to do for discussion, but no matter how much I have planned, I still seem to have this challenge.

What is completing discussion too quickly?


Two options are presented and participants much choose which they would prefer to do over the other and explain why.

What is Would You Rather?


This document is posted for your students to know what will be expected of them, assignments, schedule, etc.

What is the discussion syllabus?


Promoting social belonging, promoting growth mindsets, assessing class climate, and making your syllabus more inclusive are examples of this.

What is Equitable Pedagogy?


This is the name for the overarching ideas that you want the students to learn.

What is a Student Learning Outcome?


The solution to when you have a student in distress.

What is let the coordinators and/or David know?
