All About Chronic Diseases
How To Try to Prevent Chronic Diseases
Their Impact
Chronic Disease Data
Publications, Graphics, and Media

What is one of the major causes of death in a Adult?

Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke


How can I try and to prevent it.

Many chronic diseases are caused by key risk behaviors. By making healthy choices, you can reduce your likelihood of getting a chronic disease and improve your quality of life.


What is one way has National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) impact us in a good way.

They were able to From 2012 to 2018, 16.4 million smokers attempted to quit and 1 million successfully quit because of the Tips® campaign.


What are Surveillance Systems?

Surveillance systems are used to collect and analyze data on a particular disease or health issue over time.


How many in total of Division At A Glances of  NCCDPHP’s have?

At A Glances describe the activities and major programs of NCCDPHP’s eight divisions.


What is a Risk behavior?

A risk behavior is an action a person chooses that threatens health.


What are some tips to prevent it?

Quit Smoking, Eat Healthy, Get Regular Physical Activity, Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol, Get Screened, Take Care of Your Teeth, Get Enough Sleep, Know Your Family History, Make Healthy Choices in School and at Work


How is NCCDPHP wanting to Advance Health Equity in?

NCCDPHP is committed to promoting health equity by addressing social determinants of health and implementing science-driven programs, policies, and other interventions to improve fair and just practices. They collaborate with partners, communicate effectively, engage communities, and prioritize workforce improvement to achieve their goals.


Types of surveillance systems 

Syndromic surveillance which monitors data from hospitals and clinics for signs of outbreaks.

Laboratory-based surveillance which tracks positive laboratory results for specific diseases.

Population-based surveillance, which examines health trends in the general population through methods such as surveys and health registries.


What are some Chronic Diseases?

Arthritis, Cancer, Diabetes and Prediabetes, Epilepsy, Heart Disease and Stroke, Lupus


What are the main causes of death in young people?

Motor Vehicle crashes, unintentional deaths (falls, drowning, fires), Homicide, suicide


Are You Up to Date on Your Preventive Care?

Being up to date on your preventive care can assist you by doctor’s visit for sickness or injury. In addition to physical exams, these visits focus on preventive care.


What are some benefit examples of Chronic Disease Prevention & Management?

Some examples are:

Colorectal Cancer, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, & Skin Cancer,


What does CDC conducts surveillance of chronic diseases to?

It helps us to better understand the extent of health risk behaviors, preventive care practices, and the burden of chronic diseases.


What are some NCCDPHP Programs?

Healthy Schools, Island Health, Prevention Research Centers, Healthy Tribes


What even is Chronic diseases?

Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both.


What should I include in my Disaster Supply Kit to Stay Prepared?

Basic Items Gather enough food, bottled water, and hygiene supplies to last 3 days.

Prescriptions, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how you can create an emergency supply of medicines and medical supplies.

And lastly, Important Documents collect and protect important documents and medical records.


What are some ways that CDC's NCCDPHP helps us out?

They provide resources and information on how to prevent and manage chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.


What interactive data applications offer for chronic disease topics?

Alcohol and Public Health: Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI)

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Prevalence & Trends Data

Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Data, Trends and Maps


What is NCCDPHP or what does it stand for?

NCCDPHP is CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)


What are some risk factors?

Smoking- Smoking is where a person inhales and exhales smoke from burning tobacco or other substances.

Diabetes- Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that affects how the body processes blood sugar (glucose). 


Why is it important to manage your Chronic Disease During a Disaster?

Because Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, tornados, and wildfires, can be stressful if you are managing a chronic disease. So learn how to prepare and reduce your risk of serious illness during a disaster.


Who are health promotion activities meant for?

Infant Health, Child and Adolescent Health, Adult Health, & Older Adult Health. 


What are some preventive services for chronic disease?

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Surveillance System

Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL)


Infrographics can help out or come in use for what?

Infographics are a creative and captivating way to present information visually in a clear, understandable fashion. They can have a significant impact on increasing awareness and providing health education.  
