In a fire, which direction will smoke usually go in a room or small space?
What nutritional disease was the focus of class?
What is a substance that causes some type of immune response in the body?
What are the 2 types of stress?
Eustress and Distress
What are Mr. Woytans initials?
How many people die each day from drowning?
What is the most common health condition associated with obsesity?
Type 2 Diabetes
What are 2 of the 4 types of pathogens discussed in class?
Virus, Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites
Which type of stress can improve performance?
How old is Mr. Woytan's dog?
3 years, 2 years, 5 years, or 4 years
4 Years old
Which type of UV rays don't reach the earth's surface?
What % of children and adolescents ages 2-19 are obese?
What are the guard cells or big fighter cells called?
What are 2 of the 3 main causes of stress discussed in class?
Relationships, Grief and loss, Overcommitment
What show is Mr. Woytan currently watching with Mrs. Woytan? (netflix)
Running Point
If there is a fire in the home, and you are in a bedroom that currently doesn't have smoke in it, what should you do?
Barricade the openings of the doors, call 911
What is the leading cause of death in the US?
Heart Disease
What are the 2 types of T cells?
Helper and Killer
What are 2 effects of continued distress?
Weaker immune system, problems with digestive system, increase risk of heart attack, speed up aging process, vulnerable to anxiety and depression
Mr. Woytan's birthday is in what month?
What are 2 characteristics discussed that increase a person's chance of getting skin cancer if they don't take precautions?
Lighter skin, skin that burns easily, blue or green eyes, blonde or red hair, large number of moles, family history of skin cancer
What's the term for high blood pressure discussed in class?
What are Y shaped proteins that fight infection?
What type of stress can usually be short or long term?
What was the theme of my daughter's first birthday?
Hearts, Valentine's Day